Flowers Hospital

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Operations Management- Flowers Hospital

Operations Management- Flowers Hospital

The purpose of objectives within a healthcare organization

Role of operational management in health care

Operations management focuses on the management of processes with an organization to efficiently produce and deliver the quality products and services. The realization of the importance of operations management by the flowers hospital has led the organization towards success. It has influenced the flower hospital to improve the quality of the delivered health care services in the hospital environment. The role of operations management in flowers hospital can be determined by the efficiency of their processes, procedures and management styles that are integrated efficiently and effectively in order to produce high quality health care system (Kovner & Knickman, 2011).

Almost all the products that we obtain and utilize in our daily routine have gone through some processes. These processes are studied under the broad scope of operations management. In the same ways, the services provided by the organizations are also made effective and efficient through the operations management process. The manufacturing of products and the provision of services are two different processes involving different methods and procedures to be undertaken. The apparent difference in the process is due to the change in the nature of the two processes such as the tangibility of goods and non tangibility of the services. The outputs attained through the delivery of products and services are customer satisfaction (Wild, 2002).

Since, the services provided by the hospital industry also involves the delivery of services, therefore, the practices of operations management are applied in the context of hospitals. According to Jiang (2009) the inputs provided to the clinics and hospitals involve the customers as well as the outputs achieved also involve the customers' satisfaction. In this way, the services provided by the hospitals focuses on the well being and satisfactions of the customers (Jiang, 2009).

The operations management process involves the designing, planning, improving a controlling the resources and procedures of the organization in order to produce quality integrated services and goods for the customers. The flower hospital has implemented the rules of operations management into the practices of the hospital in order to maintain the efficiency of the hospitals in the health care industry. The flowers hospital have integrated and implemented the strategies that are planned according to the operational management process. In this way, the hospital has tried to improve its procures and services so that it could be selected as one of the high performing hospital among the finest health care providers in the country (Jiang, 2009).

The flower hospital has taken part in the case study that is being funded by the common wealth fund. The case study of flowers hospital involves the finest and high performing hospitals in the field of health care delivery and process- of- care- measures in the hospital industry. The data is being submitted by the hospitals to qualify for the case study to the centre of Medicare and Medicaid services ...
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