Florist Industry Analysis

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Florist Industry Analysis

Florist Industry Analysis


The Flowersbypost is a floral decorator (service) that is why it can be considered as more of a service organization than a manufacturing one. Cut flower harvesting is gaining popularity in UK. This sector is attracting not just men but a lot of women into this business as well. Although a cut flower farm is a profitable and attractive venture, the grower is still not rewarded properly in financial terms for his/her work. Either the middleman or the shopkeepers make the profit. Shopkeepers enjoy the maximum margin (Slack Chambers & Johnston 2004 56-947). This report was prepared to provide general information about the management of operations at a flower Flowersbypost, for the reader.

Question 1: Management

Demand for cut flowers is growing tremendously as more and more people are becoming aware of the beauty of flowers as decorative items. Weddings, birthday parties, seminars, and other such social gathering events are incomplete without floral decorations

Location Preference

Flowersbypost is usually found at busy locations in the city. To support the Flowersbypost a constant supply of roses and other flowers is required throughout the year.

Industry Environment

Although there are Flowersbypost in the city, the standard of flower is not very good. This is an overall situation in the city. Most of this retail Flowersbypost exists in a group along some important shopping point or market. This is so because these have been established by the order of local municipalities. They do not have proper display facilities. They keep the flowers in water buckets and spraying them with water every few hours, in order to keep them fresh.

All such Flowersbypost has limited variety. Simple bunch of flowers is the major selling product. Flower bouquets are also available. Loose rose petals are another form of very popular selling items, to be sprinkled on wedding invitees or for funeral bier.

Other Important Issues

The Flowersbypost serves as the centre point of all sales activities. The whole concept of this report centres on the flower Flowersbypost. There are three segments of buyers from the Flowersbypost:

The second category of party decorators, event organizers, and offices also buy either from these Flowersbypost and/or different traders cum suppliers, who themselves buy directly from the market (mandi) (Ghoshal and Moran 2006 13-47). In either case the quality is good with considerable variety and surety of consistency of supply. Market suppliers provide the city's flower Flowersbypost with high-quality flowers. The flower arrangement expert handles the flowers properly and creates beautiful flower baskets, bouquets, and bunches. There is considerable of variety to choose from. Besides selling flowers directly, the Flowersbypost also takes orders for party, offices, and wedding decorations. The Flowersbypost in Karachi is currently doing this and is a very successful business.

Inventory Management

Roses and other flowers are the inventories, as rose is the major selling flower. Plants are available from local nurseries. Once they reach the retail Flowersbypost, they are stored in refrigerators, freezers, and ice boxes. In this way, the flowers can be kept fresh for a longer span of ...
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