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Outline is after referencesFirefighting

In order to fulfill the needs and wants of our lives all of us adopt and indulge in different professions. Each profession has its own uniqueness, demands and nature. But there are certain professions that command respect and dignity. This is because such professions involve uncertainty, high degree of risk and a strong sense of serving to others. The aim and objective of this speech is also to talk about one such profession. This profession is of firefighting. The aim and objective of this speech is to make the young members of the community to make them aware about the importance of the profession of firefighting. The speech defines the beginning of the profession of the firefighting and its importance for showing the compassion to the human nature and the obligation that all of us have to serve for humanity.

Every morning when people leave their homes to go to their work they have a fair idea what their day is going to be, what they are going to and what situations they are likely to face? But, the day of a firefighter is completely unpredictable. Every day, every hour even every second of their duty is challenging and risky. But, still there are scores of people that join this profession and continue to serve in this profession. Despite this hard and tough job people are working in this profession so, this shows that there must be some strong reason behind this. One such reason can be fulfilling the God's obligation on all of us to show compassion to others.

Most of the firefighters are cross-trained. This is because most of the fire stations all over the country work as combined fire and rescue department. Duties of a firefighter cover a lot more than the blazes of a battle. Today, all of the firefighters can be regarded as EMTs. Many are paramedics also (Robertson, 1995). Their duty is to give immediate response to any emergency situations. With the utilization of Jaws of Life, firefighters make an attempt to take out victims trapped in cars; firefighters have to climb the tall buildings, or they may also require diving underwater, they even perform the work of rescuing animals stuck in drainpipes and wells. Their duties also involve handling dangerous gases and other hazardous materials, they conduct inquiry about how the fire started at a place, and they also conduct teaching classes about fire safety and prevention to schoolchildren and civic group (Perez, 1990). With the help of extensive and rigorous training programs firefighters are trained to do their job. By nature firefighters are individuals who are tough, courageous and physically fit to deal with any sort of challenge and risk (Paulsgrove, 1997).

When a fire burns at a place, then the people who suffer from this sort of event keep faith and hope only from firefighters. Firefighters go to them to save the lives of these people. Going to a place where fire is burning with flames and ...
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