Fire Related Human Behavior

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Fire Related Human Behavior

Fire Related Human Behavior


The adoption of the engineering based approach to rescue from fire has its own strengths and limitations. Fire rescue engineering has changed dramatically in the last decade. The education in the fire engineering and human behavior has played a vital role for the skill enhancement of the fire professional. It is necessary to design a fire safety codes in the buildings for the safety of the people. The design of the fire safety type could be perspective based or performance based. One can use performance based type or perspective based type of fire safety. However, there are some strengths and limitations of the fire based design codes engineering. The fire safety can be conceptually defined as a series of measures and resources internal and external to the building, as well as the potential risk areas adjacent, which enable the fire control (Wilkinson & Ruikar, 2012).


The fire safety of buildings is obtained today by meeting the requirements of current legislation that, in general, have a basic prescriptive. Depending on the situation, federal regulations are applied, state or municipal. The development of the area of fire safety in Brazil is relatively recent, 1970s, and in the early years took care to develop a prescriptive legislation and technical standards to support the legislation, usually based on foreign models. The use of bar codes performance requires a thorough knowledge of safety engineering against fire and this implies need to establish an education strategy for the subject Fire should always be of concern, both in design and construction of a building, either on your use. This concern of society, which usually manifests itself with greater intensity after major fire, ends up reflecting the requirement of fire safety measures in federal legislation, state and municipal. Typically, the requirements for fire safety are established based on the type of occupation in height and building area. Among the various types of occupancy of buildings, fire safety in buildings is a hospital issue that deserves special attention for at least two reasons. The first is that many patients do not may leave the building without assistance from others, and even then, this output can be difficult and long. The second is that many of those hospitalized are in frail health, and therefore are more vulnerable to the effects of fires, in particular its toxic gases (Wilkinson, 2010).

One of the main advantages of the perspective based engineering is the direct interpretations that it provides which can be matched with the requirement. It also helps in data analysis. It helps the fire safety engineers. The limitation of this approach could be the complex nature of the codes structure of the perspective based fire engineering. Another limitation of perspective approach is that its not open to the innovation or the possible alternatives. The advantages of the performance based approach of the fire safety are its clear objectives. This approach also provides the alternatives and innovation. The performance approach is also cost ...