Fire Accidents

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Fire Accidents

Fire Accidents

Overview of the topic

In this topic, there is a need to discuss the two major accidents that took place in Bangladesh in last year and also earlier this year. The first accident took place in the November last year when a fire broke out in the factory and it killed more than 100 people. The second accident occurred earlier this year in April 2013 when the building collapsed that killed more than 1000 people. These two accidents were very catastrophic and it led to the large number of casualties which was very tragic for the entire country. Therefore, the cause, background, reaction and several other factors related to these accidents would be discussed in detail.

Cause of these disasters

During the inquiry started by the Government, the concerned officials stated that the owner of the Tazreen factory Mr. Uddin Khandaker was guilty of the severe negligence. The factory managers did not allow the workers to escape from the blaze. They were the biggest culprits in this incident. In the initial stages of inquiry, the fire service officials stated that the blaze probably occurred because of the poor electrical wiring. This has been the major reason in the previous fire factory disasters. There was one thing which was very clear that the factory owner was responsible for this incident. Secondly, around nine officials were also blamed for not deliberately allowing the workers to escape from the blaze. All these facts meant that there was a need for an action to be taken by the Government against these people who were responsible for such a tragic accident (Jason, 2012).

The second accident related to building collapse also had several reasons. The first reason was that the appropriate safety measures were not implemented by the factory owners despite of witnessing a major fire factory accident last year. On the 24th April, the day when the accident occurred, deep cracks were witnessed in the building known as Rana Plaza. The evacuation orders were also given to the workers. There were many businesses that sent their employees to home because of the poor working conditions. However, there were five garment factory owners who called around 3000 workers back to work without giving any regard to the worker's concerns because of the rush or making profits. The employees also informed the Police and Government officials about the hazards but none of them moved to shut the plants. The employees were also threatened by the factory owners. One of the owner of the factory known as Sohel Rana stated that the building will remain for safe for more than 100 years. He even went on to construct three more buildings that too in an illegal manner in the risk oriented eight story building. All these factors contributed towards this incident on this particular day. Therefore, these were the causes of both these disasters (Kathy, 2013).

The role of globalization in these disasters

The role o globalization was also there in these ...
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