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Financial Strategy

Financial Strategy City of London Investment Trust plc


City of London Investment was founded in 1991 by Barry Olliff and main focus of this business is to make a portfolio mainly invested in large companies. This company is an investment trust company. Co.'s objective is to provide long term growth in income and capital, principally by investment in the United Kingdom equities and to achieve total return in excess of the FTSE All-Share Index - adjusted for a maximum 4% cap for any single stock. As of June 30 2011, Co.'s portfolio had a market value of £728,258,000 ( 

Mission Statement of City of London Investment Trust plc

The mission of the City of London Investment Trust plc is to offer long term growth in revenue as well as in capital. In the five years i.e. 2016, City of London Investment Trust expected it revenue to increase at an average annual rate of 5.1% to $69.7 billion, driven by economic recovery and a rebound in the investment market. At the same time, the company want to expand more capitalized firms purchase real estate portfolios at bargain basement prices, particularly in the first half of the next five years. Moreover, City of London Investment Trust's mission is to generate worth for customers in order to gain their loyalty for the life time. Their success is reliant on the customers and the people, the customers who invest in their project and people who are working with them. Customers are likely to return if they like what City of London Investment Trust is offering them, and do business again with them. If the team finds what City of London Investment Trust reward them, team work more hard to help customers.

PESTLE Analysis of the City of London Investment Trust Plc

Legal Factors and Political

City of London Investment Trust Plc is functioning well and providing services with its customers all around the world. For the legislations of employment, the government promotes investment companies to supply a blend of job openings from low paying stretchy and locally-based jobs to centrally-located, skilled and high paying jobs in order to meet the needs of the students, working parents and senior citizens.

On the other hand, City of London Investment Trust Plc is an innately local and labour concentrated sector. It realizes that investment has a huge impact on people and the jobs factors. It often hires students, aged and disabled people at lower wages, and in an industry with characteristically soaring staff revenue, these employees proffer a higher level of allegiance and consequently symbolize sought-after workforce.

Economic Factors

Fiscal aspects are of apprehension to City of London Investment Trust, as they are probable to pressure costs, prices, profits and demands. One of the most significant features on the economy is high redundancy points, which reduces the efficiency, requirement for several goods, negatively distressing the production demand. Although company could not control these economic effects, but there could be profound consequences on performance and marketing of the company (Turner & Wilson ...
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