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Financial Planning

Financial Planning


In recent years, medical services were under enormous financial pressure. This led to inefficiency much for the private and public sectors. Raising many questions ranging from, the shortage of highly skilled workers, outdated or unsafe care, as well as the lack of adequate insurance. Today the cost of hospital services and physician fees are growing faster than ever before. There is an urgent need for reforms in the health system. The government is trying to invent a new plan in these last few years, even though it was strong opposition against the new health system.

Effects of state and private sectors

Recently, some insurers are competing for the healthy and sick avoided by the definition of "insurance profile", and do not compete on quality, value and service. Paper consumed most of the time, the necessary care provider. In the doctor's office on average 80 hours per month spent doing paperwork. In hospitals nurses are often several hours to complete forms for the registration of hospital stay of one person. Much of this time could be better spent caring for patients. Insurance company red tape created a nightmare for the suppliers, with the mountains and forms the different levels of review, which wastes money and does nothing to improve the quality of care. America the best doctors who can provide most advanced treatment in the world. But people often can not get treatment when they need care. Insurance system enough to improve the quality. Fear compels judicial workers and practitioners in practice defensive medicine, ordering of inappropriate tests and procedures to protect against lawsuits.

There was a reduction of the amount of charity care provided by nonprofit community health centers, as well as for commercial services, as well as non-increasing aid Medicaid patients. Looking for managed care executives of the private sector, including insurers and practitioners are still looking at the government for a solution to this problem. Meanwhile, business leaders believe that they controlled amount of cost shifting to them negotiating lower premiums. As a result, their critical voice is not a strong point on this issue. It is possible to help meet this huge demand, without prejudice to the financial situation. There are several existing models used in the existence of community hospitals and other providers that can provide alternatives for organizations flood aid for such patients in their business. This is especially true when states adopt new measures to ...
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