Financial Market

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Opinions on Financial Market

Opinions on Financial Market

Memo 1


To:[Teacher's name]

From:[your name]

Sub:Observations from Interview on “Opinion on Financial Markets”

As a Finance student, I am trying to learn the concept of Financial Market. Therefore, I have conducted a qualitative research on the opinions on Financial Market by selecting people form Finance and Economics background. Some of these people are experts in the field of Finance while others have a working knowledge of the concepts of Finance. I started doing the research by doing thorough analysis of the subject area and the problems that are associated with it. I managed to highlight some important issues regarding the study of Financial Markets. Next, I put those issues into close ended as well as open ended questions and created a questionnaire which helped me interviewing the people on the basis of my questionnaire.

I made a plan to choose people from the finance and economics background, who have at least the working knowledge of finance. I also selected people who have already made investments in the financial markets for either generating cash flows or growing the investment. For the first three days, I collected information about the financial markets as well as read additional materials to support my questionnaire. However, for the results of my research to be more accurate, I need to review more lessons on finance. I hope that doing this, will provide a higher level of data accuracy to my findings from research. I wanted to make the interview not only useful for my research but also for the interviewees (that are also investors) to explore the areas where they lack information on financial markets.

My first interviewee was a female student of Economics and Finance department. She had the working knowledge of Finance and was interested in investment for meeting on going expenses through generating regular cash flow. My second interviewee was a male graduate of Finance and is associated with the business of trading stocks. While conducting this interview, I also had to keep in mind that some of the people only have the working knowledge of Finance. Therefore, some of the terms used in interview questions may not be familiar to them so I created variety of options in the answers.

Memo 2


To:[Teacher's name]

From:[your name]

Sub:Observations from Interview on “Opinion on Financial Markets”

I have gained a lot of experience by conducting this interview. My interviewees were from the same backgrounds but different educational levels. Yet, some students learnt at different places that reflected their understanding and grasp on Financial markets. Some interviewees do not understand the right concept of a specific term, as taught in their class. For example, a girl did not know the differences between stock valuation models but she knew the types of stock valuation models. The understanding level of interviewees, of the concepts used in financial markets, largely based on their exposure to the financial market. Therefore, it doubts the rightness of information collected from the interview. To measure the degree of rightness of the information collected through ...
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