Financial Assignment

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Financial Assignment

Financial Assignment

Section A

Question 1


Types of Process Type in Manufacturing Operation

The manufacturing process is purposeful, stepwise transformation of the source of raw materials into finished, set the properties of a product suitable for consumption or further processing.

Technical, organizational, and economic characteristics of the production process at the plant is determined by the type of product, production volume, type and kind of used equipment and technology, the level of specialization. The production process consists of numerous technical, organizational, managerial and business operations.

Production processes in the conventionally divided into three types: main, auxiliary and service.

The Main Processes are directly related to the transformation of the subject of work in the finished product (e.g. smelting the ore in a blast furnace and turn it into metal, the conversion of flour into the dough, then baked in the bread), i.e., that processes in the course of where there is a change of geometric shapes, sizes and physicochemical properties of the objects of labor. Main production processes are called, during which the production of primary products, manufactured by the company. The result of the basic processes in mechanical engineering are the production of machinery, apparatus and appliances, components of the production program of the enterprise and its specialization, as well as manufacturing spare parts for delivery to the consumer.

Auxiliary only contribute to the flow of basic processes, but they are not directly involved (energy supply, equipment repair, tool manufacturing, etc.). The main difference between the economic support processes to the main difference lies in the place of sale and consumption of manufactured products. The processes that are directly related to the manufacture of the final product coming to market - the consumers, are fundamental. The processes that result in the final product is consumed within the enterprise, are complementary processes.

To include support processes to ensure the smooth flow of basic processes. Their result is a product used in the enterprise. Auxiliary processes are the repair of equipment, construction equipment and tools, the development of steam and compressed air, etc.

Serving Processes are called, in the course of which the following services necessary for normal functioning and the basic and auxiliary processes. These include, for example, processes, transportation, storage, selection and acquisition of parts, etc. The main feature of the selection process serving is that as a result of their occurrence does not create a product.

Under current conditions, a trend towards the integration of basic and service processes. For example, in flexible automated complexes combined into a single process of major, complex-, warehouse and transport operations.

The collection forms the core processes of primary production. The enterprise of machine main production consists of three stages (phases): harvesting, processing and assembly. Stages of production are a complex process and the jobs that are characterized by the completion of a certain part of the production process and the object associated with the transition of labor from one qualitative state to another.

By stage of the procurement processes are getting blanks - cutting of materials, molding, stamping. Manufacturing phase includes the processes of ...
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