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Business plan of Real Estate Company

Table of content


Overview of the business4


Objective of the company5

Mission statement5

Vision statement6

Key principles of achieving success6

Company structure6

company ownership6

management team7

start up summary7

location of companies and facilities8

Business risk9


Difference from competitors11

Marketing Plan11

Market Segmentation 11

Strategy of target marketing 12

Market Needs 13

Trends of the market 14

Growth of Market 14

Marketing Strategy 14

Positioning Statement of the company15

Pricing strategy 15

Promotion strategies of the company 16

Distribution channels16

Sales strategy16

Financial budgets and forecasts17

Company financial plan 17

Assumptions of the company18

Key Financial Indicators 18


Executive Summary

RTP an emerging real estate company aims to increase its product line by indulging in various other real estate businesses. However, the current focus of the business is to create a niche for itself in this highly competitive market by constructing houses that are based on customer desires and needs. RTP aims to achieve its mission by implementing on the rules and regulation set by the management of the company. Our company aims to provide houses to potential customer at reasonable prices form the market but still competing with the nation real estate market.

RTP is a private company that is largely owned by its founders but 30 percent share belongs to the stakeholders of the company. This company is operating using the principles of functional structure that means that the management has created specialized department for all major business operations. During the first year of its operation, the company is planning the construction of Punjab valley in the Punjab state of India. Houses will be of 120, 240, and 360 square feet with beautiful locations and state of the art facility. In the next year, company is planning to construct similar societies in other states of Northern India, and after three years of successful operation, the company is aiming to expand its business operation all over India (Hoesli et al, 2007).

In the initial pace, the company will target two types of potential customer's firstly low-income people that are facing difficulty in purchasing of their personal home because of in affordability. RTP is a source of hope for these people, as we will provide them a chance of making their dream into a reality at an affordable price. Secondly, the company is planning to target university students that have come from other states of the country

Business plan of Real Estate Company

“RTP the name of excellence in real estate”


RTP an Indian Real State Company is situated in northern state of India. This company aims to construct affordable homes for people of Punjab state of India. Houses constructed by the company will provide unique features such as unique design according to customer description, furnished floors, soothing paints, and comfortable atmosphere. In addition to unique features, the company has drafted a payment framework for customer because it aims to provide customer with unbelievable facilities (Chillya et al, 2009).

Company has selected the Punjab because in people of these states does not have the option of making a comprehensive choice of selecting a home that could provide them all what people ...
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