Financial Analysis

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Financial Analysis

[Name of the institute]

Table of Contents

Company overview3

Business objectives3

Accounting policies6

Financial analysis6

Performance & profitability ratios7

Liquidity ratios11

Leverage ratios13

Investor ratios14

Risk analysis17

Analysis and Risk Management18


Executive Summary

British telecom is in an enviable position - high growth, few competitors, strong financials, loyal customers, talented management and employees, and brand recognition - so why create a strategic plan? The company faces many threats and opportunities, and if British telecom wants to continue its success story, a strategic plan will help them continue to achieve stellar results.

This research paper is divided into sections, with each section aimed to specify a particular attribute associated with the British telecom company. The first section defines the mandate of the British telecom. It particularly identifies the Vision Statement and Mission Statement of British telecom

The second section of this research paper critically analyses the external forces that effects the strategic options adopted by British telecom. This can be done by incorporating external analyses of British telecom by using models which carefully appraises the micro and macro environment of British telecom. The external analysis will helps us in identifying the future opportunities available for British telecom and the threat it faces from its external environment.

The third section of this research paper analyses the internal environment and related forces that effects the strategic options adopted by British telecom. This can be done by incorporating internal analyses of British telecom. The internal analysis will helps us in identifying the strengths and weakness of the company.

In the final section strategies adopted and implemented by British telecom will be identified and will be carefully analyzed. The analyses will final help in providing recommendations about the strategies that can be adopted by the British telecom.

Company overview

The following paper will deal with the financial performance of one of the leading telecommunication company, the British telecommunication plc (BT). Measured by its revenues and scope, the British telecom plc is the largest telecommunication company in the world. BT employs 120,000 people worldwide, mostly in the UK. Throughout its long history at the forefront of telecommunications has managed to adapt successfully to its customers new technologies in an ever changing industry. In order to maintain its position as technological leader it has employed efficient strategies and identified the need to restructure and improve the management of their greatest resource: its people

In the UK British telecom is a leading communications services provider, selling products and services to consumers, small and medium sized enterprises and the public sector. We also sell wholesale products and services to communications providers in the UK and around the world. Globally, we supply managed networked IT services to multinational corporations, domestic businesses and national and local government organisations. 

Business objectives

British telecom quickly adapted changes to mobile telecoms when they were introduced and also invested in internet opportunities for the mainstream domestic and commercial markets, beginning with standard dial up connections and followed by mainstream broadband offers. British telecom vision is to be dedicated to helping customers thrive in a changing world. The world in which British telecom operates and the ...
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