Finance Time Assignment

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Finance Time-Constrained Assignment

[Instructor name]


Table of Contents

Executive Summary1


Finance Time-Constrained Assignment3

Answer no. 1a3

Answer no. 1b4

Answer no. 1c4

Answer no. 2a4

Answer no. 2b5

Answer no. 2c6

Answer no. 3a7

Answer no. 3b7

Answer no. 3c9

Answer no. 4a10

Answer no. 4b10

Answer no. 4c10

Answer no. 4d11

Answer no. 4e11

Answer no. 5a12



Financial ratios14

Cash budget of Reflect Ltd15

Budget balance sheet of Reflect Ltd16

NPVs of projects17

Financial ratios of the company18

Income statement 2012 for the two companies19

Stateside gmb profit statement20


Executive Summary

The finance managers of today are faced with multiple finance problems. These finance problems range from closing the quarterly and annual accounts to preparing the annual report for the business. In addition, the finance managers are also responsible for ensuring the liquidity, profitability, and solvency of the organisation through prudent finance function management.

In addition, the finance managers also act as the project evaluation officers. They are responsible for determining the feasibility of various projects through the use of the disparate tools available for measuring the returns of the alternative projects. The businesses come across multiple projects that are all equally attractive and it is imperative to select only the best projects from the available array of projects.

Next, the finance managers are also required to manage their balance sheets and leverage and other ratios. This also requires engaging in various investment banking functions such as issuing debentures in the market to buying various complex derivatives to deal with the various market and financial risks that arise from these long-term debt and other equity raising transactions.

Therefore, the finance managers of today need to be adept at operating in the various international financial markets to effectively hedge their risks that arise in the normal working of the business. It is not only the bank managers who deal in complex derivatives but other businessmen and finance managers of corporations are required to transact in derivatives to achieve their various financial outcomes and objectives.

Therefore, the finance managers need to be well-versed will all the various finance concepts including those related to investments and financial decision making which affect performance of the business and are also significant to the long-term solvency of the business. Finance Time-Constrained Assignment


The goal of the finance function is to provide the financial management to the business as well as deal with the reporting requirements of the organization. In this way, it becomes too much obligatory on the financial managers to act in ways that are consistent with the time-constrained requirements of financial reporting. Financial reporting and budgeting practice frequently requires the financial managers to undertake the preparation of annual and quarterly reports as well as do the budgeting for the entire organization. Therefore, it is necessary that the financial managers are able to develop the correct financial reports including those for budgeting in a timely and efficient manner.

In addition, the financial managers of today are increasingly involved with the task for preparing the feasibilities of various projects. These projects require that the organization deal with these projects on an ongoing basis. Therefore, the financial managers have various project evaluation tools available ...
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