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What Do We Mean By The Terms 'Risk' And 'Security'?

What Do We Mean By The Terms 'Risk' And 'Security'?


The understanding of disasters and emergencies or critical incidents is important for the planning of services for mental health emergency for various sectors of the population , including children and families. The nature of disasters is universal. Through research and extensive scientific experience of the personnel of management of emergencies, health of mind and the human services profession. have identified characteristics common to disaster situations. This section provides an overview of the fundamental concepts of management and emergency mental health response to emergencies caused by disasters. Descriptions of the greatest natural disasters in the distant past overt or covert form fixed in memory of people, myths and legends, ancient books, historical manuscripts (Borodzicz, 2005, 13). In the Bible, for example, describes the "Flood", which actually was not, of course, "world", ie global, but for the common people, the sphere of activity which was restricted to large river valley and the vast intermontane basin, flooding, certainly seemed to ruin the whole world. Floods occur frequently, but some of them become truly catastrophic. For example, in 1931 a grand flooding on the Yangtze River in China flooded the 300 thousand square meters. km area. In some areas, including in Hankou, the water subsided within four months.

The Bible also describes the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the destruction of the city of Jericho. Experts believe that the biblical description quite accurately reproduces the picture of the earthquake. Many researchers believe the legendary Atlantis that it was a large island that sank to the bottom of the earthquake. City of Herculaneum and Pompeii were destroyed and buried under a layer of ash, pumice and mud in the eruption of Vesuvius. Sometimes volcanic eruptions and earthquakes lead to the formation of a giant tidal wave - a tsunami. In the 1833 eruption of Krakatau volcano, accompanied by an earthquake, which, in turn, caused a huge tidal wave. She reached the neighboring densely populated islands of Java and Sumatra and caused an estimated 300 thousand human lives (Borodzicz, 2005, 13).

From Uncertainty to Disaster

Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods and floods: We live in a decade of natural disasters. Since 2000, the world's disasters have affected about 2.8 billion people. The Red Cross movement acts as a worldwide support network with the central task of alleviating human suffering too. The aim of Red Cross disaster assistance is to help people in emergency situations quickly and efficiently. This assistance is financial, material and human resources. For the management of major disasters like the earthquake in Haiti, the millions of people homeless, Red Cross experts from around the world hand in hand. Special units with priorities such as health / medical facilities, drinking water, housing, telecommunications, etc., then work in the disaster area like clockwork. The Austrian Red Cross has an emergency service, which for missions at home and abroad is always on ...
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