Final Project Review

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Final Project Review

Final Project Review




My Notes:

Principle Issues of My Topic


The purpose of the universe has been seen from many angles in human history.

The scientific view of the purpose of the universe has fluctuated together with various epochs and the philosophies connected with these epochs.

Various philosophies of the purpose of the universe, and whether indeed the universe does have a purpose, are discussed. 




Philosophies Related to My Topic


"Cosmology, or the study of the universe, originated in Mesopotamia. The philosophy of the time was that the earth was the center of the universe. Main philosophers of the time were Aristotle and Ptolemy. Because of Aristotle's power, this view of the world remained relatively uncontested until 1543. This philosophy also made the idea of the purpose of the universe fairly simple. The universe existed for human beings, who were created at the center of it. The understanding of the world, being simple, was therefore unproblematic.






Misconceptions about My Topic

 Universe is a word derived from Latin, which in turn comes from Unus ( 'a', meaning 'single') and versus ( 'developed, put together a'). Specifically, the meaning of the Latin word versus in this case means toward.

The Universe is more commonly defined as everything that physically exists: the entirety of space and time, all forms of matter, energy and momentum, and the laws and physical constants that govern them. However, the term "universe" can be used in slightly different contextual senses, to refer to such concepts as the cosmos, the world or nature.

Astronomical observations indicate that the universe has an age of 13.73 ± 0.12 billion years and at least 93 billion of "light years" in length. The event that began the universe is called the Big Bang . At that instant all matter and energy in the observable universe was concentrated at a point of ...
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