Final Project

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Final Project


This paper will based on the discussion about media convergence and the magazine industry and media convergence will be discussed. Traditional media did a pretty big effort for the audience such as the paper subscription cannot be changed, the program watched on TV if liked or not cannot be changed. Furthermore, in past physical media was limited as one cannot watch two TV programs at the same time, for example, one have to stop seeing one program to pay attention to the other.

In modern times, the internet, especially the web in that reference is most basic and minimal. The internet allows to open any web page information with a simple link (Hendershott, p. 65). Unfortunately, many electronic media that have emerged from newspapers, magazines and radio or television programs maintain the policy of no links to sites that are not owned. The reason is the result of the reading habits or personal consumption are radically different from traditional mass media. People appreciate much of those sites that are dedicated to the user point and provide relevant information then return for more. 

The collision between different media and expression, whether old or new, is a cultural necessity and modern complexity. Trans-media culture is a new way to communicate and relate and users now have a more central role. They have acquired an active power in driving direct marketing strategies for companies. The relationship between users and producers have become multidimensional, direct, open and dynamic.

A product such as music, news, images is unclear either legally or illegally from one territory to another through the convergence of new technologies to old. Today, the new technology does not simply mean advanced technology, but what's new today is a concept based on the idea of hybrid media. The multifunctional phone is no longer a product of a strategy, but rather it is an explicit request communicated by popular culture. The complicity between the old and new establishes the origin of complex phenomena, for a better understanding of the media that convey the culture at different levels of communication.


Media Consolidation

The concept if media convergence has led to much debate specifically media consolidation. When multiple platforms of media are held by a single operator, it leads to undesirable results and results in reduction of public interest and loyalty of advertisers. This result in the decrease of market based competition and the loss of varying opinions and multiple loses. The media plays a significant role in the in the democratic society as it is considered as the main source of information for all the people. It is also considered as the fourth estate and its traditional role of media is considered to check the corporations and government.

Media owners have remarkable influence on the news and information and the voices and debates which are heard and the culture and music which is given time. Many concerns have emerged about its impact on the democratic process (Gitlin, p. 43). If some giants control the media, it is ...
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