Final Exam: Reviewing Public Policy In United States

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Final Exam: Reviewing Public Policy In United States


It is well known that there are different, sometimes diametrically opposed views about American democracy, under which ordinary consciousness understands the system of governance and the social fabric of the country. There are enough reasons for the enthusiastic and skeptical for review because the American system - it's just a product of a complex, contradictory, changing living organism. Taking into account all these opinions, it should be noted that in the American system incorporates many of the elements that contribute to its stability and continuity (Bobrow, pp 12-34). Even during the Civil War, when the country was split into two hostile camps, the struggle was not for the change of the system, but as part of the same system.

Discussion and analysis

There are total four main steps that are involved in the Public policy process, these includes:

Identification of the problem

Formulation of policy

Implementation of the policy change

Evaluation of the result

Each step actually requires the order for making sure that the process that needs to be implemented will be correctly implemented. In various cases such steps actually turned into the cycle where each and every step needs to be repeated as changes take place, when the policy is evaluated it might reveal some new problems that needs to be addressed (Dye, pp 78-90).

Like all public policy, foreign policy is made not only actions but also by decisions. That is, the different levels or stages through which it holds a certain public policy, in this case, foreign policy to its implementation process is determined by the rules imposed by the actors in the political negotiations. In the values ??of the society of the United States plays the sovereignty thought a decisive role, both internally and externally. In domestic policy is a strong feeling of ...