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Film Review on Two Worlds Colliding

Film Review on Two Worlds Colliding


Two worlds colliding is a film which is stress on the relationship between the Native and Non-Native in Canada. The movie concentrated in Saskatoon. However, when two things crash, usually, damage occurs and then expected a repair. Therefore, when these collisions are stable then repairing them is impossible, in order words, the crash simply gets worst. In this movie, the director has shown the relationship between the Aboriginal Canadians and the Saskatoon Police Force (


28 January 2000 night, a man named Darrell Night who was an aboriginal left the party which was getting out of control. Before he researched to his house, on the way, two police men had picked him up. He informed policeman that he did nothing wrong. However, the policeman was least concern regarding his statement, and in return, they abuse him. They took Night out of the city and left him in a place where he was unable fend for himself. That night the temperature was around -20°C, and fortunately Night and the policemen discovered a station where he was able to get out of the cold. However, Rodney Naistus, and Lawrence Wegner picked up in the same way and they did not come back. Their body found frozen near the area where Night dropped.

After a short period of time, he pulled by the police, and he presented in front of the Officer, Bruce Ahold, about Naistus' death. Night surprised when the Officer, Bruce Ahold, believed him on his statement regarding the death of Naistus. Here, the film features the exchange as a series of cuts between Night and Ahold. He listened to Night and prevented as if he is giving him importance. This was their style of doing investigation. This sets off an investigation of the Saskatoon Police Force which representation an ugly culture of racism towards Aboriginals.

The investigation pattern of the Saskatoon Police Force was not good in order words, dirty pattern of investigation. For the purpose of pure and fair investigation, a Native police officer Oliver Williams comes out of retirement to oversee the proceedings. He was very aware of the situation and case, and he already gathered information. He was receiving numerous calls as he was over taking the case. He received 800 calls which were regarding, the outlining abuses in the system. He stated that as a policeman, he embarrassed, he alarmed, and, as an Aboriginal, he is angry (

The parents of Lawrence Wegner were not accepting the dead of their son, as they stress that death is not because of the intoxicated and betrayed out of the city and died of the cold. The fact they think is something else. They stated that their son was wearing only socks and t-shirt and does this make any sense to the police. Further they said, the socks were clean which indicates that something else happened to their son. Is not this suspicious that he found with the clean socks on ...
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