Film Makers Becoming Performers In Catfish

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Film Makers Becoming Performers in Catfish

Film Makers Becoming Performers in Catfish


The advances in information and technology have changed the world and relations that exist within altogether. A few decades back, relations meant real life relations that get formed between people who either lived nearby or at least who have met sometime in their lives. The idea of being friends with someone you do not know and have never seen seemed to be a peculiar phenomenon, because there was no way of making such friends. There was the concept of pen pals, but that was a different story altogether and most of the pen pals too have been acquainted to one another at some point in life.

Now, things have changed, and nothing is same as before. In the beginning, internet started changing mind sets and lifestyles, moving people all over the world towards a global culture, which implies that people dress, talk, eat and behave uniformly around the globe. This globalization would have been impossible without the advent of the internet, and the phenomenon is mainly contributed to the use of the internet. After globalization, internet shook the world with the concept of social media—a new way of interacting with people from distinct and different parts of the world, without having to spend anything or to move to any other place in person. Anyone can become friends with other people, having either similar taste or interest and increasing his friends circle as well as knowledge about different cultures and different parts of the world.

Pros and cons of using social media

Social media, on one hand, has increased the chances of interaction between friends and other people, and, on the other hand, it has created a number of credibility issues and threats of fake identities. On one hand, it allows people to remain in touch with their near and dear ones, all present at one place, no matter which part of the world they reside, and, on the other hand, it allows people to mock anyone and pretend to be any person, of different, age, gender, belonging to any different culture and having links with any profession. As the popularity and use of social media has increased, the number of cases of identity theft and fake identities has increased, thus making it impossible to judge the identity of any individual of any person who is existing on a social networking website.

Facebook, for instance, allows people to make friends and interact with their own friends with most convenience and minimum hassle. However, the issues of identity theft are present here as well, and people fake identities and all their profiles and pose to be someone else, just to gain attention and pretend to be someone more important and prominent.


Catfish is a documentary produced by Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman in 2010 and revolves around a relation that gets built on the social networking site Facebook. A young man, a performer in Catfish forms a romantic relationship with an inexperienced woman, who has similar interests, and ...
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