Film Ethics

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Film Ethics

Film Ethics


Taxi to the dark side is regarded as one of the finest and Oscar winning documentary. This Oscar winning documentary has reflected the torture of Bush administration in Afghanistan, at Guantanamo Bay and in Iraq after the 9/11 attack on world trade center. In year 2002, an innocent taxi driver was captured by United State soldier in Afghanistan and was sent to Bagram Air base. The young driver was subject to brutal and humiliating acts by United States military. The victim died after the brutal and humiliating activities of US military. The innocent driver was not only the victim of highest authorities, but also of jailers and military. The federal official, President and highest authorities violated International law by wrongly using their power on innocent driver with uncountable brutal activities, which leads him towards death. Majority of the information from prisoners who gleaned through torture and humiliation turned out to be wrong, because prisoner want to face relaxation to avoid further suffering. The documentary revolves around ethical issues like dehumanization, brutality, sexual humiliation and extreme graphical images of torture. The intensive torture by United States government after 9/11 is totally unjustified. US military and higher authorities have violated human rights and International laws (


Twentieth century is regarded as one of the bloodiest period of the history. Million of innocent people died due to wars, lence and genocide. The combination of technology and science is regarded as the chief source of heavy destruction according to renowned scholars. The development of technology and science leads the world towards uncomfortable place to live in; where one country face threats from strong competitive country. The factors of this integration have led the countries towards administrative evil. Immense heinous crimes are performed in administration evil on daily basis. According to the renowned authors, the true picture of administration evil is hidden or masked from individual participants.

In this Oscar award documentary, intense level of evil and cruelty has been witnessed. The documentary reflects, high level of brutality and tortures' on Afghan and Iraqi people after 9/11 attack. The main theme of cruelty in this documentary is on innocent Afghan border, who was badly humiliated by United States military and higher authorities. The brutality was so intense that the innocent driver lost his life after couple of days. He faced optimal level of humiliation in the torture cell, which a normal person cannot listen even. The federal official, President and highest authorities violated International law by wrongly using their power on innocent driver with uncountable brutal activities. The torture on innocent taxi driver is associated with violation of International laws. Human right department was also activated after this brutal torture.

The evil of bureaucracy dictates that all the developing countries have merged technology and science to produce heavy nuclear items. Science and technology are integrated to produce massive destruction nuclear products. These countries are producing heavy destructive nuclear products for their security. The core purpose of creating mass destructive nuclear products is to strengthen their power ...
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