Fidelity Versus Adaptation Perspective Of Change

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Fidelity versus Adaptation Perspective of Change

Fidelity versus Adaptation Perspective of Change


There are so many concepts which are present in the management. Organizations have managerial activities and different processes for strategic planning with the help of which they attain success and market competitiveness. Different concepts are used in the understanding of the strategies as well as for their implementations. There are many organizations which provide complete authority to their managers to bring changes and innovations in order to make an organization successful. It is never easy to bring change or innovation in any company or organization. Professionals are resistant to change. This is only because of the reason that they want to keep things the way they are at ease with. Newness is never accepted at first place. It is the duty of the managers and senior level management to implement and changes. Every change needs time to be accepted. As it is said, people want to feel the change. It can only be possible if management uses proper tools and techniques to implement changes and innovation in the organization. Change management and innovation model are essential for a company's long term sustainability. With the help of these both a company can strive and fight against all the other companies. Most of the people are of view that all the market leaders spend more time in bringing the changes and innovations in the company so as to enjoy a brighter future, which is full of prosperity. Many individuals have different logics when it comes to defining managerial processes. There are distinctive concepts which provide different reasoning and evidences in order to prove their concepts right. The fact remains same, different scholars have provided different studies on the basis of their experiments and observations which are accepted as well. To make it more easily understandable under the discussion part the details related to innovation management, change management, fidelity perspective and adaptation perspective are discussed.


Innovation Management Model

Innovation is a risky process (Soni R., 2009, p. 17). Every organization wants to excel and do a great deal of business. This cannot be possible if the organization is afraid of brining innovation in its operations and other activities. In short, an innovation model gives the basic understanding of a structure for recognizing the different ideas in order to enjoy business expansion. Innovation model is comprised of some steps and procedures which include basic research, applied research, progress and invention.

There are certain characteristics which are important to be known in case of planning an innovation model. These attributes include ease, detailed, evaluative, predictable and well-timed. It must be taken care off that the model should be simple to understand. The model should be detailed and descriptive in order to keep things clear. A model should be outcome oriented and predictions can be made. It is of prime importance to accomplish things according to a timeline.

It can be easily stated that an innovation model is a sure shot plan for success of any ...
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