Fictitious Statistical Study

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Fictitious Statistical Study

Fictitious Statistical Study


The use and abuse of addictive substances such as alcohol now constitute a complex phenomenon, which has consequences for the health of individuals and their environment, as well as representing a major health problem in the international, national and local levels. It was reported in 2002 that nearly three million adolescents between 12 and 17 years consumed a full glass of beverage alcohol in the year before the study and of these women consumed 1 to 2 drinks; the consequences of abuse were the most frequently reported problems involving the police. Also reported increased usage rates among teens, 27% ??in 1998 to 35% in 2002, in males and 18% to 25% in females during the same period.

Females are particularly vulnerable to damage in their development and integrity when drugs and alcohol. Addiction to these substances generally begins with the experimental and recreational use at an early age. It is therefore extremely important to develop policies with around preventive approach to the prevention of the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol that translate into programs and projects including the family, work, community, school and the media.

In the project of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) of the nursing schools on the prevention of the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol, Social Integration and Health Promotion in Latin America, it is mentioned that the female is a key player in the health area for change and transformation that can occur in the individual, family and community. In addition, currently plays an essential role in the design and implementation of programs of health promotion and prevention in several interdisciplinary fields, because these are the ones who have the most contact with the communities and are able to perceive the existence of a problem such as the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol. One of the factors studied is the self protection which helps to preserve their own biological, psychological and social. Having a healthy self-esteem is considered a protective factor in life and is indispensable in adolescence, because having low self-esteem, can become a risk factor for start abusing alcohol.


H0: Adolescent females with low self-esteem are not susceptible to engage in substance abuse and sexual activity

HA: Adolescent females with low self-esteem are more susceptible to engage in substance abuse and sexual activity.


Study approach is a quantitative, descriptive and transversal, since subjects were evaluated only once. Cross-sectional studies have advantages relative to its speed, low cost, case identification and detection risk. In this study the purpose was to analyze the level of self-esteem and females with low self esteem involved in substance abuse and are sexually active.

Data collection was conducted in different places in US. The study population was young aspiring one of the degree program (N = 300), the sample was determined by simple random probability sampling, the size (n = 109), was calculated for finite populations with a confidence level 90% probability for 0.80, odds against 0.20 and ...
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