Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder


Pregnancy needs extensive care. The diet and the routine should be managed and critically taken care of, in order to secure the baby and the mother. The fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is an acquired disorder that result s from the prenatal alcohol consumption. There have been a number of researches and studies carried out to evaluate the outcomes of alcohol on the disorder. The disease has no cure, however, the prevention is hundred percent.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

This is the condition that results due to maternal alcohol consumptions during pregnancy. The most prominent appearance is the syndrome called fetal Alcohol syndrome caused by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is also misinterpreted as a single birth defect. It is not a single birth defect, but a collection of defects that occur in the baby, visible after the birth. These defects are caused by the prenatal revelation to alcohol, and it is not necessary that they will occur in every pregnant woman who is consuming alcohol during pregnancy (Mayoclinic staff, 2011)

Major Features and the Associated Abnormalities

The most common features associated with the syndrome are the facial abnormalities including dumpy palpebral cleft, a soft philtrum, and a thin vermillion edging or superior lip. However, the significant features associated with the fetal alcohol spectrum disorder are as follows (Semel institute UCLA, 2009)

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

It is the condition in which a baby faces difficulty in growth and erudition. It also includes the development of features like characteristic facial appearance and composition irregularity and abnormality. These problems occur due to pre birth exposure of the baby with alcohol, due to the mother consuming it.

Partial FAS

It is the condition in which a child develops a few features related to the aforementioned defect.

Alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorders (ARND)

It is the condition in which a child faces difficulty in learning and behavioral development. This occurs due to prenatal alcohol exposure.

Alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD)

It is the condition in which a child suffers from abnormalities of different organs including kidneys, heart and brain. This condition also results due to exposure with alcohol before birth.

Signs and symptoms

The signs and symptoms associated with the syndrome can be categorized in the following manner:

Growth deficiencies

These includes

Reduced or below average birth weight

Reduced or below average height

Thin vermilion

A smooth philtrum

The divot or groove

Small palpebral fissures

There are several parameters that are used to measure the aforementioned deficiencies. For instance, the lip and philtrum are calculating by a trained specialist by using the Lip- Philtrum guide. This is a guide with five points and pictures of Philtrum and lips categorized according to the severity into different ranks. There are five ranks; the first rank is for the normal lips while the fifth rank is for the severe features development associated to the syndrome. If there is a severe damage of the facial features, then it indicates the presence of brain damage.

Central nervous system damage

The damage of the central nervous system with respect to time frame and ...
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