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The Code of Ethics is an instrument that seeks to implement the principles, vision and mission of a company. It serves to guide the actions of its employees and explain the position of the company in the face of different stakeholders with whom it interacts. The content of the code of ethics consists of a set of policies and practices specific fields. This material is held in a report that is easy to understand so that it may be circulated properly among those connected with the company. Once enhanced with suggestions and criticism from all involved, the report will produce a document that will serve as a parameter to certain behaviors, making clear the responsibilities of employees, employers, and stakeholders (Turner, 2006).

Nursing Code of Ethics

Nursing comprises an own scientific and technical knowledge, built and played by a set of social practices, ethical and political processes by which teaching, research and service. It takes place in providing services to the person, family and community, in its context and circumstances of life.

The improvement of the professional ethical behavior through the process of building an individual and collective consciousness, the social commitment and professional responsibility in the plan set by the labor relations reflected in the scientific and political. The Code of Ethics of Professional Nursing takes into account the need and right to care nursing population, the interests of the professional and their organization. Is centered on the person, family and community and assumes that the nursing workers are allies in the fight for the users assistance without scratches and damage, and accessible to the whole population.

Ethical Issues in Nursing

Nursing as a profession can be rewarding and at the same time challenging. While in duty, there can be several ethical issues in nursing and healthcare. In health care, the secret includes information that the professional has access in the course of their activities, when transmitted by patients or guardians, obtained by history, physical examination, patient care, or coming from the observations of other professionals, the results of examinations and administrative procedures. Whereas assistance is developed by multidisciplinary team information exchange is necessary, but it should be limited to those that every professional needs to conduct its activities for the benefit of patient care. Nursing, specifically, the proximity to the patient in the activity of "caring" has access to many patient personal information, and for this reason it is necessary one bond of trust that is established prior to the onset of the procedures.

FEMSA Values

FEMSA promotes a sense of responsibility and belonging in its actions and this is reflected in the values of the company that have become an integral part of the organizational culture. These provide the foundation for the development of a structure that aids decision-making and drives actions. FEMSA's Values are (May et al., 2007): (Turner, 2006).

Passion to serve and customer focus.

Innovation and creativity.

Productivity and quality.

Respect, personal excellence and integral development.

Integrity, honesty, and austerity.

Ethical Standards at FEMSA

The Code of Business Ethics of FEMSA is one of ...
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