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Is Feminism To Blame for the Way Sex Is Used in Advertisement in Today's World?

Is Feminism To Blame for the Way Sex Is Used in Advertisement in Today's World?


The report is based on a research question, is feminism to blame for the way sex is used in advertisement in today's world? According to several researchers feminism is the main cause of sexual objectification. They are increasingly popular advertising campaigns that show a few years in attitudes of young adults (Allen 2000, p. 139). Convey sexual messages to young audiences before it developed the ability to cope in terms of cognitive, emotional and physical. 

The age range in which the exposure is more dangerous to the commodification of the body is adolescence. It is a delicate period, during which profound physical changes occur that affect the identity of adolescents, the risk of compromising safety and self-esteem. At puberty, the body of the girls becomes public, is being watched, rated, commented, waved requests and often harassment. Teenage girls quickly learn that many, too many around them, evaluate them solely for their physical appearance (Allen 2000, p. 139). 

Are thus initiated into the culture sexual objectification, in which they are forced to swim like fish in water, according to the effective image of Catharine MacKinnon. Advertising, which comprises at least half the content of the traditional media, has also become an important area of research in the past 25 years. These studies have found the following limited and unrealistic themes: women were depicted as happy housewives, submissive, incompetents, or sex objects in a decorative role; women were shown as dependent on men; and working women were underrepresented ( Allan & Coltrane 2006, p. 186).

The Psychological And Social Consequences Of The Commodification Of The Body 

The commodification of the female has serious consequences for the lives of women, as explained by the theory of sexual objectification, proposed in 1997 by Barbara Fredrickson and Tomi-Ann Roberts. According to the authors, objectify means reducing women to objects of consumption, the same, and interchangeable, devoid of individuality. The objectification is expressed in a variety of forms; however, reveal that leave a melancholy monotone background: women are asked a few stereotypical attitudes, limited roles, bodies and faces identical (Bern 2003). When they are objectified, women internalize the perspective of the observer and are considered objects whose value depends on the actual physical. Self-objectification is the key process by which women and girls learn to think of themselves as objects of desire of others.

Historically, self-objectification is related to the subordinate role of women in history, and the fact that physical beauty has traditionally been one of the few means available to the female sex to gain power and social mobility. Pay attention to how you present to others and internalize the gaze of others is an old strategy that lets you control the social relations in the hope of improving their quality of life. It is, however, a technique that induces thoughts and behaviors to focus on physical appearance, removing them from other possible ...
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