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Thesis Statement

Feminism is mostly accepted as an ideology, but it is incorporating these ideologies into one's lifestyle that will facilitate a change


Feminism is equality. Feminism is women and men on an identical playing field. Feminism, to me, is the right and the battle for women to be equal to men.. One does not just believe feminism, one is feminism. Iaccept as true that through feminism, through women accepting the matters, putting in the effort to ignite change, and joining as one regardless of rush or class, there may really be a possibility for this transformation to occur.

Discussion Philosophy and feminism

In a world dominated by men there is a strong need for women to arrive simultaneously and to battle to have the identical rights that men have. Feminism is a unified front of women. This harmony should be advised more of a philosophy than a literal occurrence. Women need to hold in brain that in considers to our biological science and our experiences as being characterised 'women' we are no different. This is important. Although we can all be advised 'women' we are also classified by other descriptors such as our socio-economic status or our race. As women, though, no one of this matters. Women must unite...regardless. As an ideology, Audre Lorde said it best in her article, The Master's Tools Will not ever Dismantle the Master's House: "It is discovering how to take our dissimilarities and make them power (1984,p. 23)." Lorde subsequent went on to state, "The failure...to recognize difference as a vital power is a failure to reach after the first patriarchal lesson. In our world, split up and conquer must become characterise and empower (1984,p. 23)." "Our world" mentions to the world of women. Women experience a way of life different that of men. In alignment ...
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