Female Genital Cutting Or Mutilation

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Female genital Cutting or Mutilation

Female genital Cutting or Mutilation


Female genital Cutting or Mutilation


World health organization has defined the Female Genital Cutting The range of procedures which involve the 'partial or complete removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs, whether for cultural, or any other non-therapeutic reasons'.

Genital mutilation (GM) is a practice of cutting away whole or some parts of the female genital organs. This is cultural practice and it is performed on mostly on young girls aging between four and eight and in the early ages of puberty. The after effects of FGM are deep-rooted causing trauma and severe depression in young girls which prevails throughout their lives in some situations. The pain is not associated to psychological after affects but it leads to lifelong pain and suffering or even death in some cases that undergoes the horrific procedures.


Reasons for practicing the ritual of Female Genital cutting

Female Genital procedure is mainly the outcome of the cultural practices conducted in many parts of Africa. It is mainly practiced in western, eastern, and north eastern Africa including Ethiopia, Egypt, and parts of AsiaandMiddle East. Ethiopia is considered on the highest level to follow the practice of FGM. According to the survey of 2005, 74%of the girls are subjected to the practice nationwide.


According to the justification given by the supporters of female cutting, women are prepared to become more powerful and strong to face the hardships of their lives. They are supposed to leave their homes for adult training and learn skills before returning as a woman to perform her duties as an adult. They also associate the ritual with religious and social significance.

The practice is the result of cultural and religious influence on African where women are subjected to this tradition for the bright aspects of future life. Mostly it is done in young girls as their mother have gone through the same practices as tradition imposed by religion.

Impact of globalisation

According to the current estimation nearly 140 million women are becoming the victim of female genital cutting. This figure has gained the attention of WHO and many other social organizations to take serious initiatives against the barbaric practices. There are several human right activities undertaken to resolve the problem. As the practice is mainly concentrated in Ethiopia so the animators raise the awareness about female mutilation. A hunger project in Ethiopia is carried out in six centres throughout the country education and facilitating development programs in rural communities. The various programs are outset to cater the issues of agriculture, health, harmful traditional practices and skills development.

People involves in the practice and its impact

The female genital mutilation is a barbaric tradition practiced mainly in Africa and noy it is undertaken in United Kingdom and some parts of America. FGC tradition is against the human rights, child and women rights .The government of U.K has passed law imposing serious allegations on the followers of the ritual. The ritual not only imposes ...
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