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Recent events have caused the central and the importance of emergency in the responsibilities of the heads of local authorities. Nevertheless, for most of the local authorities most of the time emergency unlikely development. There are inherent inconsistency between the "administration" and "emergencies." The Office seeks to control and streamline operations. It aims to reduce the variation in a wide range of accidents and to achieve optimum conditions. In contrast to the normal management problems, emergencies are rare and unique. Some aspects of emergency situations can be "managed" in the traditional sense, but took forecasting emergency managers into the field of uncertainty, and responding to emergencies requires creativity and flexibility in considering the circumstances, which can not be fully anticipated. Discussion

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or MOE, is the establishment of United States Department of Homeland Protection, originally established by Presidential Order on 1 April 1979) (Petersen, 2005). The purpose of FEMA is to coordinate response to disasters, which occurred in the United States and which overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities. Governor of the state in which the disaster occurred must declare a state of emergency and formally request the President, the MOE and the federal government respond to the disaster. FEMA also provides these services for territories of the United States, such as Puerto Rico. Only exception when an emergency or disaster occurs on federal property or to federal property, for example, the 1995 bombing of Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, or the space shuttle Columbia in 2003, return flight disaster (Whiteside, 2006).

Although în-place support of disaster recovery efforts is a major part of FEMA charter, the Agency provides state and local governments with experts in specialized fields and funding for recovery efforts and assistance funds for infrastructure, in conjunction with the Small Business Administration. FEMA also assists individuals and businesses with low interest loans. In addition to this, MOE provides funding for Instruction of response personnel throughout the United States and its territories under the care of the agency effort (Tierney, 2005).

MES was created in accordance with the 1978 Reorganization Plan number 3, and activated from 1 April 1979, Jimmy Carter, in his Executive Order 12127. In July, Carter signed Executive Order 12148 moving disaster relief efforts to a new federal agency. FEMA absorbed the Federal Insurance Administration, National Fire Prevention and Control Administration, National Weather Service Community care program, the Federal Agency for the attentiveness of the General Service Administration and the Federal Administration disaster assistance activities of HUD (Tierney and Ronald 2001). FEMA was also given responsibility for overseeing nation civil defense function, which were previously performed by the Department of Defense Civil Defense Agency attentiveness.

One of the first accident was MOE responded to the dumping of toxic waste into Love Canal in Niagara Falls, New York in the late 1970's. FEMA has also responded to the Three Mile Island, where the nuclear accident nuclear generating station suffered a partial core ...
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