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Feedback of Curtis Rasmussen

The paper discusses terrorism in a detailed manner. The first paragraph of the paper defines terrorism and has mentioned all the aspects of terrorism in a detailed manner. The paper discusses the different aspects of terrorism, starting from the procedure of how terrorism takes place and continues to different parts of the world. The reason behind the spread of terrorism is that there are many ways that the terrorists are being funded, but these ways have not yet been revealed by anyone, which is why, the fight against terrorism has failed and it has spread so widely.

The paper has used few resources and has mentioned them clearly. It has discussed certain terrorist activities which have impacted the world in an adverse manner. It has also compared terrorism with other diseases in the world and has very rightly concluded that people die more of terrorism as compared to other diseases that exist in the world. This comparison is correct and has made it very clear how deadly terrorism in today's world is. On the other hand, it also mentions the pace at which terrorism is spreading. It is spreading at a very rapid pace and this spread is attributed to the funding of terrorists. Unknown people and groups are funding the terrorists due to which they are spreading in the world and that too at such a pace.

The paper has discussed the intelligence agencies and the government, as well and what role they are playing in the spread of terrorism. The intelligence agencies and the government should be the ones who counter this activity, but they have been unable to do so. This is because they do not have the appropriate technology and the information. They are unable to predict any terrorist activity in their country which leads to increased terrorist activities. Although, many countries are spending a huge amount for curbing such activities and for ensuring that such activities do not take place again, but they have been unable to do so.

In the end, the paper has rightly discusses the benefits of predicting terrorism. It has discussed the benefit that predicting terrorism will cause to the government and the country. It will help them to discover who and from where terrorists are being funded and will be able to stop them. if they are able to rightly predict such activities, the benefits are huge and not only ...
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