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Darren Stastny

To understand the kind of work piece and a rather critical note upon which the paper has been framed, the general idea, although has been delivered and communicated well; however, the flow of the context and the sentence structuring needs to be revised. Yes, politics has been a rather controversial, especially when it comes to the 9/11 attacks, but the kind of references that have been given by Darren must be thoroughly studied and identified.

The tragedy within itself is amongst the most problematic and amongst the most irrevocable damages, which could prevail in the history of any country; unfortunately the kind of presidency run at the time must also be kept under consideration, since till date, no compensation or even a single speech has been delivered by the infamous President Bush to heal the burnt hearts of the many millions residing in the United States. Darren could have given a rather neutral note of thinking, covering all aspects of the picture. Sentences, although lengthy, tend to give a rather an extremist approach when it comes to discussing such sensitive issues. According to my point of view, although the weapons of mass destruction (WMD's) have prevailed in the world for over a decade and almost every other CBRN weapon has been held responsible for all the attacks that have taken place, it must also be understood that such difficult terms and items of extreme destruction cannot be excerpted or created by people who have been considered 'extremist', 'illiterate' or 'simply unfit for the modern society'. Do deliberate upon this.

Blanchard, C. (2005). “Al Qaeda: Statements and Evolving Ideology. CRS Report for Congress.” Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service.

Elsa Straut

In Elsa's paper, it was a relatively interesting introduction, since the writer paved way for delivering the kind of work that is being ...
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