Federal Contract Compliance

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Federal Contract Compliance

Federal Contract Compliance

Additional EEO Compliance Requirements

The additional EEO compliance requirements imposed on an organization when it becomes a contactor or subcontractor to the federal government are mentioned in the Section 201 of the Equal Employment Opportunities Act and are as follows:

The contractor must not indulge in in any practice of discrimination against any employment applicant or an existing employee on the basis of his or her origin. It is the duty of the contractor to take appropriate actions in order to ensure that an applicant fulfilling the job criteria is employed and during the tenure of employment, employees are treated without any concern to his or her. The actions may include but should not be restricted to recruitment or recruitment advertising, employment, selection for training including apprenticeship, upgrading, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, layoff or termination and demotion or transfer. In addition, the contractor must also post the available positions for employment applicants and for employees (www.dol.gov).

It is the responsibility of the contractor to state in all advertisement, either posted by the contractor or someone else on his behalf, that all the qualified applicants will be considered for employment without any regard to the applicant's origin, color, creed or race.

Each labor union or any other party representing the workers with whom the contactor has a collective bargaining agent, will receive a notification from the contractor advising the labor union or representative party of the workers comprising of advises related to the commitments of the contractor. This notification will be issued by the agency contracting officer and the contractor must post copies of this notification in available positions for employees and employment applicants.

The contractor must conform to all the requirements of Executive Order No. 11264 of September, 24, 1965. In addition to this, ...
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