Federal Communication Commission Policies For National Broadband And Spectrum

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Federal Communication Commission policies for National Broadband and Spectrum


Role and mission of Federal Communication Commission (FCC)4



Telecommunication Policy6

Policies affecting the privacy of U.S citizens9

Public Liberty10

Pros and Cons of Net Neutrality11



The paper is about the relationship of Federal Communication Commission (FCC) with National Broadband and Spectrum. There are particular policies which FCC uses to deal with National Broadband and Spectrum. Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is responsible to regulate information both interstate and internationally. They make sure that the American citizens receive a rapid, reliable and efficient service of information via Radio, television, wire, satellite and cable.Federal Communication Commission policies for National Broadband and Spectrum


Role and mission of Federal Communication Commission (FCC)

Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is a federal agency that appoints five members by the president and then Senate confirms it. Federal Communication Commission (FCC) came into existence under the Communication Act (1934). Federal Communication Commission (FCC) main objective is to provide communication services to the US citizens. It maintains its services by providing communication services at a reasonable cost without any discrimination. It supplies services both nation wide and world wide.

Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has reformed over the past years in order to reflect the industry properly. The Communication Act 1934, states that FCC to regulate various industries in diverse manner. There are numerous policy makers who are critical about the control methodology of FCC. The budget is derived through the business. The license holders and other entities like cable television system, Radio and Wire are charged with fees. They deposit a fee in FCC's account. In USA, law gives authority to FCC to regulate the fees structure year to year. Over the period, numbers of bills have been issued by the authority to overlook FCC regulations.



Federal Communications Commission Collaboration Act (H.R. 539, S. 245)This Act was presented by Anna Eshoo on February 06, 2013 in the house of committee. This states that two or three FCC commissioners should conduct a meeting in which no agency action is taken. This conference is close to public. Every person present at the meeting should be from FCC. One commissioner who has an association with party should be present at the conference. On the contrary, if any commissioner who does not have any association with any party is present than one unaffiliated commissioner has to be there in the conference. FCC's Office of General Counsel attorney has to present in the meeting.

FCC Analysis of Benefits and Costs (“ABCs”) Act of 2013 (H.R. 2649)

This was introduced by Representative Robert Latta on July 10, 2013. Another name of this bill is FCC Process Reform Act of 2013. This bill will give the report during rule making process on of benefits and cost.

Independent Agency Regulatory Analysis Act of 2013 (S. 1173)

This bill was introduced by Senator Rob Portman on June 18, 2013. This law states that the federal agencies should receive regulatory review. The assessment of cost and benefits should be provided to the Office of Information and Regulatory ...