Federal And State Legislation

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Federal And State Legislation

Federal And State Legislation

The aim of this paper is to highlight the various federal and state legislation, which was created in response to the problem of domestic violence, which has a positive effect globally.

For example, the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) is a United States federal law. He was adopted as Chapter IV, pp. 40001-40703 of violent crime and law enforcement in the 1994 Act HR 3355 and signed as Public Law 103-322 of President Bill Clinton on 13 September, 1994. It provides 1.6 billion dollars to improve the investigation and prosecution of perpetrators of violent crimes committed against women, increased pre-trial detention of the accused, introduced by the automatic and mandatory return to those who have been convicted, and allowed civil redress in cases prosecutors chose to leave unprosecuted. The results of this and other studies can be used to inform more effective actions by the government, including health, justice and social services, as a step towards the implementation of government commitments to reduce domestic violence in accordance with international law in the area human rights. (Dutton 2006)

One of the actions of the State is the Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE) program provides training and technical assistance to medical institutions that care for patients who have suffered sexual abuse as well as in the use of Maine sex crimes kit to collect evidence. (Hamel 2007) The national model uses an interdisciplinary, community-based approach to the dignified and compassionate care and treatment of sexual assault patients. In ensuring that the training of health care services are available to perform the forensic exam, the waiting period to receive assistance is to minimize the trauma of attacks is decreasing, the needs of the patient involved, and the evidence collected in a manner that corresponds to state standards and contributes to the successful prosecution . Training requirements for government SAFE certification are rigorous.

On the other hand, sexual violence Reform Act (SARA) came into force in February 2001. The Act requires the establishment of sexual assault forensic examination (SAFE) programs in hospitals designated for 24-hour centers of excellence. (Radford 2006)

As a result of this law in New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) has developed standards for the approval of SAFE hospital programs, approving programs that train individual safe Examiners, and certification, an individual safe examiners.

DOH-SAFE approved programs and specially trained health workers will ensure that victims of sexual violence are provided with competent, compassionate and prompt care, while providing the most advanced technologies associated with DNA and other sexual assaults to collect physical evidence and preservation. (Roberts 2007)

The Strangulation Prevention Enforcement Act will give law enforcement the right of governing bodies to address the seriousness of strangulation, and to prosecute as a felony. (McCue 2008) Under the Prevention of suffocation Law Enforcement Act, anyone who intentionally impedes the normal breathing and blood circulation of another person with the application of pressure on the throat or neck or by blocking the nose or mouth of another ...
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