Feasibility Report

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Feasibility Report

Feasibility Report


We are planning to open an organic juice manufacturing plant in the Sheffield. The fruit juice industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The rate of growth is 27 percent year on year, abbreviated as Y.O.Y. This fast-paced growth is due to the rising awareness levels amongst the general public. These hazards are related to Cola drinks and their respective side effects. With an increase in levels of awareness, more and more people are trying to shift to healthier substitutes. These substitutes include the likes of juices and other similar drinks.

In the juice industry, there are two types of juices. One is organic juices, in which nothing is added, and the other is a juice in which preservatives or artificial colouring is used (Banks, 2011 Pp 67). The earlier one is much better, as far as the safety of the people is concerned. Due to excessive marketing and awareness programs by independent organizations, people are shifting to organic juices. With that being said, it is the time for us to strike.

The juices in question are produced in various factories all over the country, but there is an apparent deficiency as far as the flavours are concerned in addition to the limited flavours; strawberry and mango to name a few. The reason behind the lacking of numerous other flavours generally boils down to the cost of production. In comparison to the current competition, our organization hopes to introduce a larger variety of flavours by incorporating the use of latest machinery, allowing production to commence with respect to more than a single flavour at a time (Brown, 2005 pp 212). Therefore, we are going to target the market concerning the other juice lovers.

Brief about the project

Juices are highly consumed throughout the world and does not show any signs of decreasing any time soon. Fruit juices are consumed and produced not only because of their nutritional qualities but because juices act as great refreshments after a long, hard day. Rich in minerals and vitamins, juices have a tendency to regulate the function of body systems, hormones, energy and are also a great source of nutrition (Chapman, 1986 Pp 65). They are effective in increasing the alkaline reserves while maintaining a proper function of the blood vessels, which includes the permeability, capillary, and fragility thanks to controlled falconoid. Juices are also helpful in retaining of the magnesium, calcium, and nitrogen, which are good sources for giving instantaneous energy.

Description of different juices

It goes without saying that juices are extracts from a combination of various fruits. They are produced through the basic process of squeezing the fruit and, for lack of a better term, collecting the liquid residue (Douglas and Craig, 1999, pp 104). Fruits like apples, mangos, and bananas result in paste, rather than a liquid form against conventional opinions. Through further processing, they are readied for drinking (Hillstrom & Hillstrom, 1998 Pp 67). On the other hand, fruits like lemon that cannot be directly consumed because of their ...
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