Feasibility Of Skype

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Feasibility of Skype

Feasibility of Skype


Skype is an advance type of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Skype Global was developed as a company by Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis in August 2003 (Carew, 2011). Skype provided the option of free telephonic and video telephonic service to users. In 2005, Skype was acquired by E-bay for $1.4 billion.The numbers of users of skype are in millions and currently Microsoft has the ownership of Skype.


The purpose of preparing this report is to analyze the feasibility of using Skype in the company and business. Ms. Sasha Warner, senior buyer for the U.S Eastern region, considers that Skype can be an excellent medium to interact with the buyers. The report provides a brief introduction about Skype along with the emphasis of its development in the business environment. It also analyzes the positive and negative aspects of implementing Skype in the company.


Darcy currently operates U.S market as a leading department store. The operations of Darcy are expanding, which demands an efficient medium for employees to interact with other workers and outside suppliers, retailers and market representatives. The current communication system should be revised in comparison with the new options available in the market like Skype. The level of competition in the market and the importance of having minute to minute information further stresses the need consider better modes of communication.

Skype initially provided services to individual customers. As the demand of the product increased, the need to develop Skype for business purpose was realized. Thus, the newer versions of Skype provide options more relevant to companies. Companies can create an account of their employees through the Skype manager, a web-based management tool, which integrates and manages all the accounts at one place (Skype Inc, 2013). Skype provides the option of voicemail, telephonic and video calls, Skype Wi-Fi and other options for customer accessing it through systems and cellular connections.

The implementation of Skype can be advantageous in many ways. Similarly, the introduction of new technology will lead to some problems or shortcomings initially and in the long run. Darcy should make a decision of implementing or not using Skype for its business operations based on the study of these pros and cons, along with the business strategy followed by the company.


Skype has become successful in the world of telecommunication because of the advantages it offers to the customers. The whole concept of conversation with people at long distances has revolutionized because of the facilities provided by Skype. The traditional telephonic communication became much redundant after the arrival of Skype.

The most primary and important benefit of implementing Skype is the minimization of costs incurred by a business on communication within and outside the company. The Skype manager can be downloaded for free. After a central account of company is made on Skype, employees can be added as members, their information can be edited, and their membership can also be removed without spending any money. The options of 'Skype In' and “Skype Out' are also charged at minimal ...