decreasing Smoking

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Decreasing Smoking

Decreasing Smoking


Smoking is a very common issue all over the world. There have been various anti-smoking campaigns to prevent the people from smoking but still every year a large number of people increase the data of smokers. Mostly teenagers are more involve in the smoking and this is the major concern to prevent these people and to decrease the smoking. Apart from these campaigns there are various measures taken to prevent the smoking. There also various policies and to reduce the use of tobacco but it is useless. There are various materials provided to inform people about the bad effects of smoking and tobacco but there is no positive response to it. This paper aims to provide the complete study of the reason for issue and the proper solution to it. There are various anti-smoking, anti-cigarette and anti-tobacco messages to prevent these people.

Different activities from the health department also designed to reduce smoking and to convince these smokers about the bad effects of the smoking. Media is also playing a vital role in the awareness programs but still it is not easy to make these people avoid this smoking. The higher rates of smoking in the teenagers are also an important concern that involves proper consideration at the State and government level. Miller et al. (2007) consider these campaigns as “unqualified success” (Miller, et al. 2007, p. 515-543). This provides the need to look for the better options to reduce the smoking trend in the people and especially in teenagers. There are various strategies to prevent this issue, but all these strategies have been failed to provide solution to this. As it has become a social issue one method is also requires the implication of social work perspectives in to deal with this problem.


Aims and Objectives

The purpose of this research is to provide effective measures and methods to reduce smoking. This requires looking for the information and data that can provide the basis to understand the reason for the failure of the anti-smoking campaigns and to analyze the problems and causes which lead people towards smoking. This research will also provide complete information, literature and data available about this research area. This research also aims to look for the better alternatives and strategies available for this research methodology. It is also an important concern that these research methodologies can be very beneficial in understand the behavior of these people who are involved in this habit of smoking. This research also aims to look for the most appropriate approaches that can be beneficial in this problem s the previous approaches and campaigns have failed. The main objective of this research is to incorporate the theories and approaches in understanding and prevention of smoking problem. As it is already discussed that smoking is a social issue it requires methods of sociology to deal with this issue. The approaches and interventions of social work will be more effective in to deal with this problem.

Smoking and Social work Practice

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