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The FBI director is appointed to his post as president of the United States, while his nomination is approved by the Senate. Record of John Edgar Hoover, who held the post 48 years, will likely never be surpassed, because at present tenure of directors is limited to 10 years. Currently, FBI Director is Robert Mueller.

Unlike the CIA, the FBI director is only one deputy, who replaces his boss in his absence, illness, etc. and also helps him to guide the daily operations of departments of the Bureau (except for those that report directly to the director). Until recently this position was occupied by Thomas Pickard (from June 25 to September 4, 2001, he served as director of the FBI).

In addition, senior management of the Bureau consists of 14 assistant FBI directors. 11 of them headed by managing the FBI, the other three are the chiefs of the major offices - in Washington, New York and Los Angeles (Fields & Wilke, 2003).

The most important questions of the FBI discussed and resolved at a meeting of the executive conference, which convenes, usually once every two months.

FBI headquarters is located in Washington. In addition, the U.S. also has 56 regional (literally - the "field") offices (plus an office in Puerto Rico) and nearly 400 FBI office. The biggest of them - New York, 2000 employees are working, including 1,100 special agents. In 24 U.S. cities have special units to combat organized crime.

The main part of the structure of the FBI is 11 departments. 


Subordinated directly reports to the Director of the FBI. Engaged in supervision of all operational and support units of the Bureau, including regional offices, verifying their compliance with U.S. laws and internal guidelines the FBI, economy and soundness of financial resources. It also monitors compliance discipline, Bureau staff and their professional competence. 

Office for Combating Terrorism

Despite the fact that the lead agency for combating terrorism on U.S. soil have been assigned to the FBI in 1982, self-management, dealing with these issues has been created recently separated from the management of national security under reorganization produced by FBI Director Louis Freeh. On its creation was announced on November 11, 1999, and the actual work began in mid-December the same year.

Management consists of two operating divisions, the first of which is investigating cases involving the international and the second - with domestic terrorism. In addition, the compositions of management include:

National Front home Protection (National Domestic Preparedness Office).  Coordinates all efforts of federal services in the U.S., as well as services, state and local authorities, connected with preparation for the protection of the population in case of incidents involving both conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction (Theoharis & Athan, 2000).

National Center protection Infrastructure (National Infrastructure Protection Center); its tasks include:

Detect illegal use of computers and information technologies that threaten the security infrastructure of the United States, warn the appropriate authorities, to stop them and deal with their investigation;

Investigate cases involving hackers;

Assist in the investigation of cases involving terrorism and foreign counterintelligence, and thus related to the illegal use of computers;

Alert service managers responsible for national security, where an attempt to penetrate into the infrastructure SSHD is ...
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