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Fast Food Industry



The extent to which today's society depends on the availability of fast food for food consumption is simply beyond accurate comprehension imperative to gauge precise impact of the trend. However, it is a proven fact that the problems that come associated with the consumption of fast food are underestimated by significant magnitude particularly by the consumers, and this could also be attributed to the favorable marketing aspects that are significantly exploited by the operators working in the industry. Nevertheless, numerous questions emerge when the domain is focused upon and the relevant research topic is explored which are important to be addressed in this research study, considering that this research is aligned with that domain. Are we taking it too far by blaming fast food restaurants for obesity? When is it an individual's or consumer's responsibility for the obesity they are subjected to and when does it become appropriate for the blame to be placed on others; that is the changing food industry? Low nutritional value is not the only cause behind the problems that come attached with fast food or are faced by consumers as a consequence of relying too heavily on fast food, but rather the list is vast. The frequency with which fast food is consumed is one of the highlighting causes. Excessive consumption of fast food leads to health problems, as the body does not get the required nutrients.

Recent studies have indicated that a large percent of the American population frequent fast food chains at least once a week. Those who frequent them more than twice a week saw a considerable amount of weight gain. When compared to those who exercise regularly besides visiting fast food chains, a considerable weight gain was still evident since the total number of calories taken in exceeded the total number of calories burned through the physical fitness programs. Americans' obsession with fast food and an uncontrollable appetite towards them demonstrated effectively in the last few decades has even become target for insurance companies who now are moving towards basing their premiums on an individual's weight. Although fast food chains are now placing nutritional information on the labels or menu of fast food to make the consumers now more aware of the potential risk that any particular fast food might posit to them, overall intake is on the rise and obesity is increasing predominantly among the younger population. Regardless of the convenience being facilitated by the food industry; fast food industry to be more specific, through stating the nutritional information pertaining to any particular fast food cuisine, obesity still being on the rise is the acute manifestation of the illegitimacy of the entire blame being placed on the restaurants and eateries operating in the fast food industry. This effectively demonstrates that the consumers are also responsible for the deteriorating health primarily as a result of the shift in the trends pertaining to food consumption evident nowadays.

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