Fast Food Industry In The Us

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Fast Food Industry in the US

Fast Food Industry in the US


To an amount both absorbing and disturbing, the chronicle of fast food is the legend of postwar in United States. America. However shaped by a handful of eccentrics, the fast food business has activated the homogenization of our civilization. Fast food has set free the malling of our countryside, broadens the abyss between poor and rich, produces a plague of obesity, and boosts the juggernaut of American cultural imposing abroad. Fast food refers to food that can ready and served very speedily. Though, the word is typically using for prepare food sold in chain restaurants. The word fast food enunciated first in 1951 in Webster dictionary.

US is the main origin of fast food industry which primarily focused on the subject of prepared food and sold in a highly rapid way. The basic mission of this industry is to save the affluent time of the people. In 1900, , the Louis Lassen was the first person who served a hamburger and sandwich in his territory. The fast-food occurrence cultivated better in the early months of 1940s, together with the growing reputation of cars. Mostly the restaurant's proprietor planned drive-in eating place that permissible people to regulate food and consume without even departure to their cars (, 1998).


Advantages of Fast Food

The growing and expanding business in US territory has become popular with the change of time. The most obvious advantage of fast food it accumulates time. In fast tempo life when people have not enough time to prepare their own food, so they choose fast food restaurants that make a variety of food for the peoples. People of US have the highest consumption of fast food in all over the world. Economic advantage

The restaurants owners provide affluent sources for ...
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