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Fashion can be seen as a kind of code or language, that we know that the hidden meanings are found in products and art. However, it is highly dependent on the context. The same object in different situations may be interpreted differently by different consumers as in some circles wearing tracksuits of a particular brand is a sign of belonging to a group, and for others it is the a sign of embarrassment (Wendy Gordon, 1992, pp. 68). The importance of a number of products remains a mystery, but not because the marketers did not give them any meaning, but rather because they were trying to assign meaning to them too much. No distinctive positioning means that the product never becomes a part of the fashion system and is not able to capture the mass imagination. If a company operates in a niche market, it is not a problem, but if it wants to reach into the hearts, minds and pockets of millions then we have a problem.


The purpose of this article is to contribute to a better understanding of importance of marketing in fashion and a brand of fashion. As such, the different tools are operated and formats which may be used to communicate these marks and thus convey an identity and positioning to potentiate a strong and distinctive brand image. Keywords Integrated Marketing Communications (MIC), Endorsement, Mix of communication fashion brands, Advertising, Sales Promotions, Product placement, Relationships public, Direct Marketing, and Merchandising


H1: Fashion are dependent upon the consumer choice and just not focus on the quality.

H0: Fashion is dependent on quality.

Literature Review

When we think of fashion, we want to know who is currently using. For this we connect in communication channels, watching what people are using in novels, magazines, movies etc. Advertisements and the media portray all the characteristics and lifestyles of the moment, not only the advertisements of clothing, but any product reflects the image of the fashion of the moment (Wendy Gordon, 1992, pp. 68). The advertising directed at children is widely criticized for alienating the children. But contrary to what most think (superficially) advertising is an instrument of knowledge. She informs the customs of each season, takes on the trends. Just as adults need point of reference, the child will also need. The most important detail is that children do not have the same capacity as the adult critical to differentiate what is right and wrong (Wendy Gordon, 1992, pp. 68). The big problem is when companies do not respect the ethical and do the advertisements offensive, which induce the children to think of what they really need are seeing only the capitalist logic of the process. In contrast to this kind of criticism, propaganda children's fashion always brings lifestyles, each child tends to identify itself. Many refer to this wave as ecological and sustainable, which is growing with the need to reduce the impacts of society. Well, even science is free of fashion (Cachon, 2009, ...
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