Family Relations And Dynamics

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Family Relations and Dynamics - Teen Violence and Physical Abuse

Family Relations and Dynamics - Teen Violence and Physical Abuse


All abuse is violent, whether it's physical, emotional, verbal, or psychological. People feel child abuse turns into the child becoming a bully, and bullying to someone committing suicide. The abuser is usually an individual who has high anxiety and has not learned to deal with it like others. Most people would disagree or argue that child abusers can be AND are bullies. I think you are what you see. These kids grow up in abusive homes with no one to turn to for guidance. Tim Field, a prominent British anti-bullying activist, states, Being bullied by a serial bully is equivalent to being stalked or being battered by a partner or being abused as a child and should be accorded the same gravity. He saying child abuse and bullying have the same consequences as someone getting beat to death. Being abused as a child can result in negative behavior in the future. One either turns into a bully or looks at the negative and turns it to a positive. Look at your situation and help someone else from going through what you have. Field founded the UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line and also wrote and published a book, Bully in Sight based on his own experiences. When a child is bullied they were a victim of a violent parent, a close family member, or a friend. Whatever the case may have been, research study done by Melissa Holt, showed that out of 700 fifth grade students 14% were bullies, 12% were victims, 8% bully-victims and 66% not involved in bullying (Holt).This shows what's going on in our schools.


Lot of children bully others because of what they have seen, whether it's at home or on TV. When you turn on the TV, you see music videos and what are selling are not just music videos or movies. Society teaches these kids different. It's telling them it's all about money, cars, clothes, and hoes. It might be that the child is not popular, the way they dress (out of fashion), or don't have money to buy things like others, or have poor social interaction skills. These are all factors and examples of why kids are bullied. The crazy part is that's not all, there are hundreds of reasons children bully others. Bullies thrive wherever authority is weak. If the child had some type of guidance or the attention they need they wouldn't act out, but this is usually because of a dysfunctional family/parent who was probable raised dysfunction ally themselves.

It breaks my heart to see victims of bullies committing suicide. During many researches it is seen that children that are gay are more likely to be bullied. On Oct. 14 Jamie Hubley, a fifteen-year-old, committed suicide. He was gay, and he is just one of the thousands who have committed suicide because of his sexual ...
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