Family/ Marriage - Case

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Family/ Marriage - Case

Family/ Marriage - Case

1. Whether Conrad marriage to Lucinda is valid?

Wit reference to the case given, it can be said that under the UK law, Conrad marriage to Lucinda is valid. The reason of this statement is that UK law accepts the marriages which are took place or registered in United Kingdom. However, in the case of marriage between Lucinda and Frank, it is important to note that the marriage took place in Indonesia under the local trainee Priest. For that reason, it is important to note that the marriage between Lucinda and Frank is not registered in UK as they both separated from each other and had no connection. Moreover, to have clearer picture of the problem, it is important to consider the following;

Marriages which are not valid

Certain marriages are treated as though they never occurred; these are called void marriages. They are marriages which do not meet the necessities of United Kingdom law. A case of a void marriage is one where the couple may not marry on the grounds that they have parental relationship with each other.

A few marriages may have met the necessities of United Kingdom law, when they occurred yet might then be invalidated. These are called voidable marriages. There are various scenarios where marriages are acknowledged voidable, for instance provided that one friend has been allowed a full sexual orientation distinguish authentication, or assuming that one of the friends did not give valid consent to the marriage on the grounds that the assent was given under pressure. It is possible that accomplice can try to revoke the marriage yet if not, one or the other accomplice does, the marriage will be valid.


Assuming that you marry in the United Kingdom and are recently lawfully wedded, the marriage will be bigamous, thus, these sorts of marriages are void. In spite of the fact that it is a criminal offence to marry somebody, when an individual is already married; in addition to this, assuming that an individual is about to enter into a bigamous marriage an individual may should go for the consultation from an expert.

In view of above, it can be said that the marriage between Lucinda and Frank is not valid in United Kingdom under the UK law; on the contrary, the marriage between Lucinda and Conrad is valid in United Kingdom under the UK law. The basis of such is that the marriage of Lucinda and Conrad took place in United Kingdom and is registered in UK; keeping this in view, it can be said that Conrad marriage with Lucinda is valid.

2. If valid, whether Conrad has any basis for divorce?

As discussed above, it can be said that the marriage of Conrad and Lucinda is valid. Thus, it can be said that Conrad has no basis for divorce on the grounds of Lucinda's marriage with Frank.

However, in relation to Lucinda's behaviour with Conrad it context of verbally abusive with Conrad, humiliation of Conrad in front of ...
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