Family Laws

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Application of Family Laws



Unwanted Child Birth2

Current Situation2

Children Rights4

Child's Mental Development5

Implication of Child Act5

Cases Related to Child Neglect7

Parental Responsibility8

Adoption by Father8



Application of Family Laws


It is the case of an unwanted child birth because of extra marital affair of Sohail with Robina. Such an affair is not new or objectionable in the society as mostly these relationships result in pregnancy, and is then followed with the abortion of the expected child. But, in case of Robina, when she got pregnant of Sohail's child, she did not inform him about it. She managed to give birth to the child “Jamal” at her own. However, in doing so she had to meet numerous difficulties in living in the society as a single mother. She got indulged in the activities of addictions and gambling while struggling to flourish her child well. Her addiction leads to the worst scenarios for the life of Jamal, her son; thus resulting in violation of children rights.


The case of Robina has various considerable aspects. Sohail was already married, but he had no child with his wife because of her genetic disorders. In a park, he got to know about Jamal from Robina that he was his son, and is then overcome by the desire of owning his own child. After getting to know about the poor conditions of Robina and Jamal, he told his wife, and both of them decided to adopt Jamal with mutual understandings. The case basically revolves around the birth of an unwanted child, the problems faced by a single mother, the violation of children rights, and the legal adoption of the child by his own father.

Unwanted Child Birth

Robina was young and single, when she knew the expectation of her child. She was aware of the possible disastrous outcomes of it, but she did not go towards the thoughts of abortion; instead she decided to own the baby. She had not realized the severity of living a single mother life in the society, which she encountered later.

In the UK, under the Children Act 1989, local authorities are guided to work 'in partnership' with parents and provide services for children in need. The duties and powers given to them are appropriately set out. The requirements for children comprise of advice, home-help and family centres. However, these duties appear to be appropriate, and the local authorities should take necessary steps regarding the appropriate requirements. Practically, it is not in accordance with the Act as the parents willing to provide good parenting to their children face learning difficulties for this purpose. With this inadequacy of teaching programs and supporting services, there rises an issue for the children protection in the society. It creates the chance for the children to come out in the public care as the parents like Robina fail to provide the material support to the children, including poor housing, poor public transport, and other poor-quality services of support.

Current Situation

Being a single mother, Robina has been facing numerous issues and difficulties in coping up with the social and ...
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