Family Law

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Family Law

[Name of the institute]Family Law


Life shows us many different facets. Sometimes life shows us good and some other times it shows bad phases. There are few phases that life throws at us that leaves us in a perplexed state in which we do not know what to do and what not to do, what is right and what is not right. These are often the situations that involve our emotions, feelings and sentiments. Whenever, we are supposed to deal with an emotional situation we often forget or remain unable to take into account rational for right or wrong. In order to guide and to help us in making the right decisions there are rules, regulations and laws. The aim and objective of this paper is also to talk about regulations and prevalence of laws regarding one of the most important emotional situations that a human being can ever experience is of parental responsibility. So, the objective of this paper is to talk about the parental responsibility in the context of family law.

About the Case

The case is about an unmarried woman with kids. The name of this lady is Asma she has two kids. One is Sana who is 2 years old and the other kid's name is Imran who is 6 months old. The problem is that Asma is confused in identifying who actually is the father of her children. Neighbors of Asma can observe such symptoms in their daily life routine that shows that Asma is an ignorant mother and unable to take care of her children. Asma's neighbor mentions that Asma's house always remains messy and she misses important healthcare checkups of her kids and there are concerns from the health centre over the children's development.

Background of the Case

Today, the treatment with regards to the couples who are unmarried and family law has become important. This is because there has been an increase in unmarried cohabitation, however, the states vary. Previously, the unmarried couples who lived together had stable relationships in the long-run and they were deemed to be married. However, the law of marriages has become less popular since the 19th century and common law marriages are recognized by the states. The states encourage the unmarried couples to marry and this is because marriage is considered as something that has a stabilizing influence. Moreover, it also solves the administrative matters. Marriage also does not create difficulties for the state to know the couples who are married and those who are not. This enables them to know who to give the benefits and obligations of marriage. The couples who are unmarried have to seek legal response when their relationship ends and in such cases, there is one relationship that dissolves. Moreover, the court is also called upon in order to arbitrate the right with regards to property which has been accumulated during the time in which the two were in a relationship. This is more important for the women in the long-term and this is because ...
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