Family History

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Family History

Family History

Family of origin

The interview was conducted from four families, which were married-heterosexual, committed-homosexual, unmarried-with children, and divorced.

How is/was this different from the family you initiated with you partner(s)/spouse?

The given four cases were different from each other as they initiated from something else but ended up with different stories.

What is/was the role of extended family?

The role of extending family is very important in maintaining relationships. Close ties with family members are important for maintaining both mental and physical health. There is even a phenomenon called the "hunger of the skin." This condition can be caused by the exclusion of man, for whatever reason, where men very much in need of soothing touch of another person. This condition is particularly common among abandoned babies, who can be forced to grow up in conditions of extreme lack of physical or mental connections.

What were considered appropriate roles for women? Men?

The role of man and women are usually same in all king of families, so I would just sum up all the answers in one. The roles of men and women in the family are different but have an equal amount of importance. The man - a husband and father - in the family and society has a special place and performs an indispensable role in the physical, social, and spiritual planes. The matter can be complicated by the fact that in today's world, there is a multitude of different ideas about how to be a man like him to look and what to do, and the pattern of God completely lost in this discordance of opinion. It is time to speak about the crisis of the role of men in society in general and in particular in the family, which has led to confusion about how to behave as a man. This can be confirmed by a number of symptoms: the growth of sexual crimes, homosexuality, divorce, male chauvinism and extreme feminism, the debate about the role of men and women in the church, women in traditionally male roles, etc. This crisis can be caused by many reasons, chief among them - the loss of a majority of men and father's spiritual guidelines and priorities for his true calling and destiny.

Women are no longer just a passive recipient for its men and means to achieve well-being to her and family, but began to play an active role and active in the change and social development, and constitute a dynamic force in support of the social changes that can change the lives of women and men alike. Indicate the evidence that women's education and enable them to contribute to reducing mortality among children, educated mother can provide more attention to their children, by knowing the patterns of healthy nutrition, maintain hygiene, disease prevention, and care for her child in the patient's condition properly.

How is parenting handled?

I love my parents and siblings unconditionally (I have two junior sisters and one junior brother). However, I have not had an especially close-knit relationship with any of ...
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