Family Health Assessment

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Family Health Assessment

Family Health Assessment

The assessment of the family has turned out to be crucial in the current scenario for the purpose of developing the high level of well being. The family care assistance in community influences the promotion of health. With respect to the patient health, the educating criteria of the family via the interactions and designed models have shown the constructive outcomes. The health patterns proposed by Gordan offer the holistic framework for the appraisal of family health (Moore et al, 2007). These eleven patterns describe the each aspect of life and human body. Thereby, this criterion is facilitating the health care providers particularly the nurses to evaluate the better care plan for the family (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). The diagnostic expertise is actually the clinical judgment of the nurses regarding community, family or individual in order to recognize the potential and actual health problems (NANDA, 2008).

Summary of the Collected Data Regarding Family

Family, selected for the interview, is consisted of four members. Mr. Peter has two school going kids of age 14 and 10 years. All the members of the family are healthy; they take well balanced and healthy diet as well as exercise daily. Mr. and Mrs. Peter are in early forty ages and have good jobs to fulfill their needs of life. Their life patterns are given below on the basis of the concepts map of Gordon (1994).

Mr. Peter is very conscious about the health of himself and his family. To maintain the healthy life and to prevent the diseases, he has administered the immunization of hepatitis, polio and influenza to his family. His family does not have any allergic problems and enjoys all the seasons of the year. As the family of Mr. Peter is well educated as well as religious; therefore, they consider the consumption of alcohol and tobacco as unhealthy habit. The rate of appetite is normal; they take three times a proper and healthy meal in a day. Mrs. Peter cooks healthy food for their family at home and avoids readymade food. Although she is a working woman but she manages to cook food for healthy living. They go for a health checkup once in a while and follow the instructions of the physician in case of illness. Furthermore, they do not have difficulty in the bowel and bladder habits because of the habits such as eating healthy fibrous food, doing regular exercise in a gym at, and drinking adequate water.

The family often visits the amusement parks on weekends and gets their kids involve in physical activities more than the video games and watching cartoon movies. Mr. Peter with his wife makes the decisions regarding all sorts of issues of their life. They have good ability to comprehend the circumstances and to implement the decided plan. They do not get frustrated and try to solve the problems calmly. They have the capability to control the senses and try to maintain their health of mind via regular mind exercises. All the members of ...
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