Family Health

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Family Health

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Family Health


In the health care industry, the relevant institutes have to establish different strategies to provide the relevant medical care to different segments of the population. The healthcare function is very dynamic, and the health care professionals have to critically analyze the demographics and the lifestyles of the relevant population, before they can initiate the treatment process. In this scenario the health care requirements of a family group will be very different from that of an individual person, due to the nature of the individual members and their interdependent roles in the family institution. In a family structure the individuals play an essential role in the medical care and the treatment process of the rest of the members. Hence in this scenario the health care professionals can seek to avail; the aid of the rest of the family members to prescribe a certain treatment plan for an individual (Kaakinen et Al, 2010). On the other hand the individuals that do not belong to the family structure live a very dependant lifestyle and they have predominant control over their treatment process.

The concern regarding the health of the entire family is a very crucial factor, not only for the relevant family, but also for the overall community. In the family structure, the children play a vital role in the dynamics of their surrounding community, as they will become active members of the social structure. Hence the responsibility regarding the health of the entire family, is not only limited to the dynamics of the specific family alone; rest of the external stakeholders such as the other families in the community and the government institutions have to a play a pivotal role in the concern regarding the health of the families. The children of the family structure are highly dependent on the senior members in their family for their health care requirements and also their psychological developments.


Responsibility for Families' Health

The primary role in the implementation of the relevant care regarding the health of the family members falls on the parents and the adult members of the family. The parents have to ensure that the younger members of the family are not exposed to major health risks, which can have a negative impact on the lives of these children. Apart from the obvious physical health related issues, the parents also have to ensure that the children in the family structure are provided with a conducive household environment. The development of the cognitive and the psychological capabilities of the children is a premiere responsibility of the parents, because this is the most significant task. The household environment has the biggest impact on the upbringing and the personal development of the children. Contemporary psychological researches have clearly shown that negligence and bad parenting, causes the children in the family structures to develop negative personalities. This is the primary reason why the adolescent population develops juvenile records along with criminal tendencies.

The Poor and Uninsured Families

The Role of Government Authorities

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