Family Attachments

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Family Attachments

Family Attachments

Narrative Essay

In the context of human beings, a family is comprised of a group of people who are mutually associated by affinity, co-residence, or consanguinity. In most of the societies, it is considered as the most major association and affiliation for the purpose of children's socialization. Most specifically, Anthropologists makes classification of family organization as matrilocal (a mother live with her children), conjugal (a nuclear family consists of husband, wife, with their children), and consanguinal (parents and children live with other parental family or a joint family system). Though, the family attachment is an enduring process. At the initial stages of life it starts as it is a relationship which is formed by the child with his parents because they are the very first care givers of him or her. An infant when born is totally helpless and dependent on someone's help for development and survival, and then he or she totally relies on the parents for fulfillment of their emotional as well as physical needs. When such physical and emotional needs of a child met in an appropriate manner, then the child feels secure and protected and creates a strong bond of attachment with the parents.

To me, a family is consisted of some mutually jointed people that protect and care for everyone in that group and always take stands for doing anything for each other. My family comprises of four people and we lived in a conjugal family system. The family members are consisted of my father, mother, a younger brother, and me. I along with my brother, were brought up with encouragement and motivation to do what we ever wished and loved. We were always encouraged to do the best of everything. I love dancing and danced my entire life till now, and my younger ...
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