Family Assessment

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Family Assessment

Family Assessment

Family Composition

The Sankoh family is composed of the following family members. Father is Lamina Sankoh. He was born in the year 1975 in North Africa. His education is collegiate degree and his occupation is working for administrator. He is known to have type 2 DM metformin. Other medical history of the father includes hypertension, hyper lipidemia and obesity. He spends on work for long hours and is the main bread provider of the household. Mother is Rugiatu Sankoh. She was born in North Africa in 1981. She stays home since she lost her job about two years ago. After that, she found no job. For the neighbor kids, she does babysitting when required. Oldest son is Mohamed Sankoh. He is in college and takes part time classes on and off. He also works in Marriott Hotel to try helping the family against the financial problems. Youngest Son is Lou Sankoh. He is in 2nd grade and he is greedy for toys. He always demands more and more toys. He doesn't like going to school. He faces problem of development delay and gets very angry and outburst at times. Grandmother is Mary Pessima. She is 70 years old. She has been found with the medical history of lower back pain, arthritis, HTN and hyperlipidemia. She always stays in the home and all over the neighborhood she is known as grandma. Although she has been warned by her PCP, still she likes to eat her African food with lots of palm oil.

The Sankoh family is often visited by the extended family members who come and go often. The kids don't get along with each other and they have a wide age gap as well. The couple, i.e. the mother and father often fights on the financial issues and budget deficit. It is found in the family that the oldest son is gay. This is also the main reason to fight between the mother and father where the father puts all blame on the mother. The only bread earner of the family is the father and he is found to work all the time for the family. The family has lost love among them and there are too many disputes and misunderstandings among them.

Family Structure

The family structure includes the characteristics of the family. The family is facing financial problems since a long time and because of this many other problems are arising. The demographics of the individual members comprises on elderly grandma, old couple, a young boy and a child. These five members make up the Sankoh family. The bread-earner role of the family belongs to the father. The mother is a housewife; whereas, the young boy partially helps his family on and off. The grandma and the child are unable to work and earn.

Family functions

The functions performed within the family comprises of the economic survival, reproduction, protection, socialization of young, conferring status and cultural heritage. The contemporary functions of the family comprise of the health and ...
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