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Social Science: Family

Social Science: Family


The study is based on the general concept of the family and the concept that were presented by the social scientist. The general understanding of the family reflects that the structure of the family is based on the heterosexuality which shows the general settlement, societal sustainability and the fulfillment of the affiliation or the association with the other people which can also be known as the normal behavior of an individual. However, many schools of thoughts argue that the couples with the same sex also have the benefit of having the general settlement, societal sustainability and the fulfillment of the affiliation or the association. Many of the social scientists presented their thoughts that are based on this phenomenon which is discussed in the following part of the study.


The social scientists hypothesized that legalized marriage would increase disclosure and have a positive impact on relationship satisfaction and internalized homophobia that could be based on the hetero sexual or the homosexual. Moreover, the disclosure of sexual orientation and relationship status has been consistently associated with measures of positive mental health and relationship satisfaction in gay and lesbian persons in respect of the hetero sexual couples and with decreases in internalized homophobia. While this has shown to be the case for some, other individuals have described feelings of anguish when their loved ones respond with anger. Same sex couples who appreciate the formal recognition of a legal marriage may be less hesitant to disclose their same sex relationship. This was noted in one study where more than 80% of participants indicated that being in a same sex marriage had caused them to be more likely to come out to coworkers and healthcare providers. (Rosario, Hunter & Smith, 2001)Further, it has been shown that lesbian women in civil unions demonstrate significantly higher levels of being out than lesbian women not in civil unions. Finally, level of being out has been shown to be a positive predictor of relationship quality in men such that those men who were more likely to be out demonstrated greater relationship quality at follow-up. Social historians of the family believe that he challenged a form of family or process that is superior to others. Instead, they have a broader definition of families, the different dimensions to meet the diversity of the family, fueled by a growing recognition that "there are many different types of families with different needs and different ways of responding offered to those needs. These position more or less contemporary sociological perspectives were included, although the political debate concerning the priority of family structures and some family values on others stifled.


The science of sociology calls for the recognition and acceptance of diversity of the family. It also examines the implementation of the diversity of areas such as clinical practice, family education and family policy. In fact, family diversity is an important sub-sector within the sociology of the family. Today, it covers a wide range of topics, provided by the Handbook of family ...
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