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Social Science and Family

Social Science and Family

Human groups have always attached great importance to the fact that the younger generations know the traditions, the collective experiences and the organization and functioning of society. Much of the education, role socialization, was to establish the company itself; it's historical past as well as space and territory in which life develops in the group. In modern society, school is the institution primarily responsible for ensuring that function. (Klein, 2000, 60)

In all societies, families have a structure (organization and operation) identifiable, recognizable based on position (status), those who kept the family financially, those who raise and educate children, decision-makers (with power) those who obey, and so on. The family history is no longer determined by marriage. Births outside marriage are majority. Only two out of three children live with married parents or remarried. Children are more likely to living with a common-law couple or family parent. Marriage also offers more guarantee stability. (Mills, 2004, 30)

Social scientists have increasingly played a role in legal processes pertaining to families (Mason, 1994), although this increase has been sporadic. There is debate about the extent to which social science research has influenced U.K. family policy decisions (Bogenschneider, 2000).

Family studies is an interdisciplinary field that comes out of both basic and applied scholarship from several different disciplines, including human development and U.K. family studies (home economics), sociology, psychology, anthropology, history, and social work. These fields have studied individual U.K. family members and their roles, family relationships, family disruptions and conflicts, family systems, family as an institution and its relationship to a larger society, programs for families, and cultural expressions of kinship. Families have also been studied in terms of their contemporary problems as well as in terms of their historical transitions through form and functions. In recent years, more attention has been given to understanding how policy (e.g., work and family policy, child care policy, health care policy) affects families (Acock, Bengtson, Allen, Dilworth-Anderson, & Klein, 2005).

Anthropologists and U.K family

On same-sex parents: "We must abandon the idea that the modern U.K. family must necessarily be a nuclear family closed in on it and sealed for eternity. Same-sex parenting is and will for some time a sociological creation and transformation-specific Western societies. It would be absurd to make a model that the rest of humanity should be quick to adopt. "

On the evolution of the U.K family: "Unlike many anthropologists who continue to assert, in claiming to Levi-Strauss, that all kinship systems have already been invented and put into practice and that current changes may fundamentally challenge the very notion of kinship (Mills, 2007, 30)

Historian and U.K Family

Currently, the nuclear family is the main family form in Mexico. Despite this overwhelming presence, we know little about their characteristics and their historical development. Historians have indicated that it was from the colonial period but have not been identified and their similarities and their differences from the modern nuclear family or the Western nuclear family described in classical ...
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